On Fri, 25 Apr 2014 15:06:56 +0200 Cedric BAIL <cedric.b...@free.fr>

> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 2:21 PM, David Seikel <onef...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> > hermet pushed a commit to branch master.
> >> >
> >> > http://git.enlightenment.org/core/efl.git/commit/?id=8fda63173063e03e1d48c8b026ecf8b94298162c
> >> >
> >> > commit 8fda63173063e03e1d48c8b026ecf8b94298162c
> >> > Author: Taekyun Kim <tkq....@samsung.com>
> >> > Date:   Fri Dec 27 16:56:30 2013 +0900
> >> >
> >> >     Evas: 3D: Introducing 3D scene rendering features
> >
> > While I'm happy there's more 3D rendering support coming into EFL,
> > this was a big shock to me.  Was this discussed anywhere?  Is there
> > a road map?  And more to the point of my personal 3D virtual world
> > work, will this be suitable for 3D virtual worlds?
> Hum, it has been sitting in a branch for a 3 weeks or a month. I did
> point people to it on IRC, but I think we did fail to communicate on
> the mailing list. As for a road map, well, like every open source
> project. You have some free stuff, that will hopefully improve :-)
> More seriously, the first goal would be to make it useful and working
> for small object/scene, but after talking with Christophe who is doing
> a 3d engine with Evas_GL. I am now thinking that in fact we should
> accept any contribution that make this engine powerful enough to
> handle a 3d world for a game or virtual world like in your case. I
> guess that would be left to you and Christophe to improve it.
> On the middle term what may be done :
> - Add a plugin infrastructure for reading more file format for
> scene/object

You where going to talk to the people in charge and get back to me on
that.  Never heard anything.  I'm happy to add that libg3d thing I
mentioned before to Evas_3D.  http://automagically.de/g3dviewer/ and
in case you forgot.

Hmm, does EFL have "treat an archive as a file system" type stuff in
it?  That would be needed to port libg3d to EFL.

Either way, I want to add heightmap support soonish.

> - Integrate with Edje
> - Add a bigger demo to Elementary

I've had my Elementary example in devs/onefang/evas-3d-elm for some
time now, should I move it into Elementary as the official example
(after the 1.11 release)?  Or should I work on it more, adding the other
Evas_3D examples to it as tabs or something?

> - Add partial update support
> - Keep improving the API and features set
> In itself it is already enough work for some month, but who knows
> where it will go. It only depend on who contribute to it :-)
> > I've made big noises in the last few years about working on 3D
> > virtual worlds, I would have hoped I could have been involved in
> > this from an earlier stage of development.
> This is sadly a side effect of getting the approval for pushing the
> code in an open source project that take nearly more time than just
> writing the code. From now on improvement and change should be more
> step by step, minimal and iterative.
> > Oh well, it's here now, thanks I guess.  I hope I can make good use
> > of it.
> I hope to !

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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