
On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 4:00 AM, Rick Van Camp <ravc0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been communicating with Jeff Hoogland of Bodhi Linux regarding my
> interest in becoming involved in his effort.  After explaining my
> background and interests to him (do you need these as well?) he suggested I
> contact the developers here.

Nice to see that you are interested. The starting point is obviously
to build efl/elementary and all the stack from our git already. From
there, I think the easiest think is to maybe start by looking at our
documentation and maybe propose some first patch there to fix it. Or
look at our example directory and cleanup/improve what you find. From
there the next items that is also useful is to look at our tests
coverage report
and improve it by providing new tests or extending existing tests.
Also we kind of have a todo list for EFL that you may want to look at
and take some items you are interested on

I am already helping other people to do this process of starting
developing in efl, so don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Have fun,
Cedric BAIL

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