With the final E21 release pending, the E22 cycle is just around the
corner. I'll be needing to make some changes to my priorities during this
time due to health issues.

Originally, the E22 cycle was to focus on rewriting the settings
infrastructure. This is a monumental task, and I would estimate that the
time required for it is 1-2 months of my near full-time attention.

Unfortunately, due to the amount of time and energy that I've been putting
into Enlightenment development and testing for the E21 release cycle, the
RSI (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury) in my hands
and wirsts has gotten significantly worse. It's becoming more difficult to
type and debug, and it's no exaggeration to say that it's literally a
struggle for me to open my hands all the way. I've been in physical therapy
for some time to mitigate the effects so that I could complete this release
cycle and get all of the changes out, but this was not going to be a
long-term solution.

For the present, I'll be scaling back the time that I spend doing
development in order to focus on my recovery. This will have some impact on
Enlightenment development:

* A full settings rewrite is unlikely at this time unless other community
members want to shoulder significant portions of the work required
* Bug fixes and my responses to tickets will be considerably less immediate
than people have grown accustomed to

I plan to prioritize my (limited) time following the release on trying to
resolve reported bugs. Once that quiets down, I'll likely try to work on
improving some UI elements or doing more gadget conversions unless someone
has begun a settings taskforce.

It's disappointing to me that I won't be able to effectively achieve the
community-set roadmap for E22 at this time, but the situation is such that
I need to take my physical condition into account for a while.

Thanks for all your understanding and support,
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