
That's sound go to me ear entrance is alive. If you need my help don't
think about it twice !
Entrance is in this shape today because I'm working on a new version of
entrance where I go far beyond the goal of this actual version. I need to
rework about everything and today I don't have what I expected to share,
So... Good to know you try to provide this one whithout bug.
To clear things about where I go, my main goal is to provide a bootsplash
and a login manager where we secure the userland. It's just about replace
all piece of software your distrib and systemd provide with user
interaction at boot time.
My main goal is security, X11 is a joke about it. Wayland is a cleaner way
for multi-user desktop use.
About the current code, the gui is almost good but done in a new way where
all object is defined by theme not by the app (as enlightenment,
terminology does...). This enhance theming possibilities. I think I will
keep it in this way, just to let you know.


2017-06-17 4:10 GMT+02:00 William L. Thomson Jr. <wlt...@o-sinc.com>:

> For good or bad entrance is alive again. It actually only had 2 major
> issues, but a fair amount of other issues. Which likely still has more.
> I will continue to work on entrance, and address any issues, etc.
> Main issues:
> 1. Socket file was created as root via daemon, but client is run as
> nobody. Thus client failed to connect to server due to socket file
> permission issues.
> 2. Pam /etc/pam.d file needed updating.
> That was basically the main show stoppers. Still much to be fixed,
> improved, etc. Not to mention ability to log into Wayland, or start a
> Wayland session without requiring X/Ecore X. Which presently entrance
> is bound to X/Ecore X. Though it should be able to start Wayland
> sessions in theory.
> Still a few more things to address and I will do a tag/version release.
> Not sure if I will do binaries, deb/rpm/tgz. Likely just do source
> release. For now it is usable for me at least, no more sddm :)
> For anyone interested
> https://github.com/Obsidian-StudiosInc/entrance
> Running
> 11948 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin//entrance
> 12094 ?        S       0:00 /bin/bash --login -c
> /usr/lib64/entrance/entrance_ck_launch /usr/bin/enlightenment_start >
> /home/wlt/.entrance_session.log 2>&1
> 12097 ?        S       0:00 /usr/lib64/entrance/entrance_ck_launch
> /usr/bin/enlightenment_start
> --
> William L. Thomson Jr.
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