Hi Andrew, 

This is a good idea and I use it in my personal projects and highly
recommend it. 

I woudl also like to propose another change at the phab level and to
onboard more devs. Libreoffice does things in an interest manner. They
classify the issues according to varying difficulty and then a new dev
can choose an issue according to their skill level and it helps them get
familiar with the code base. I think this is something we need to
implement as it would really help to get new devs familiar with the code
base, me included there.


Jonathan Aquilina 

On 2017-07-22 23:22, Andrew Williams wrote:

> Hi eflers :)
> So after thinking about issue management and planning milestones I thought
> more about our source control. We currently have various different models
> used but the bottom line is that it all hits master all the time which can
> lead to less stability than ideal and also makes stabilisation windows
> critical to enforce.
> As a suggestion I think we should consider agreeing on a singlet branching
> model and I'd recommend GitFlow (described quite well here
> https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows#gitflow-workflow).
> As well as being well organised there is a solid gitflow plugin that helps
> to manage branches and workflows.
> Bottom line: main development moves from "master" to "develop" and master
> then remains the most recent release (always stable ;) ). Releases then are
> created on a branch rather than being branched after release.
> This correlates well with the proposed phab task management - a release
> milestone branches off develop as we prepare to release like current
> stabilisation. Big feature tasks branch off develop as a feature branch and
> the task describing it can be marked resolved when it merges in. Hotfixes
> merge into develop and master which makes it easier to ensure we don't
> forget to backport fixes :).
> Let me know what you think - it's worked quite well in previous groups but
> I appreciate it may not for us and I expect there are a lot of experiences
> here that could feed in :)
> Happy weekend,
> Andy
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