Hi! Great work on entrance and edje!

But I am having some difficulties with entrance.. I have correct path to
Xsession, pam is enabled and /etc/pam.d/xdm is in place (looking at the
code it seems that this is the pam file being used, contrary to the docs
I believe). My distro is Debian unstable.

My problem is that nomatter what entrace claims my password is
incorrect. My password doesnt contain any special characters apart from

As a quick hack I modified the code to not check my password at all.
Thats when a  different problem arose. entrance wouldnt start any
session, just exit. syslog only shows "Starting X server. Starting
Entrance. Display and Display manager are shutting down" when I had
modifed code to enable me to log in I also got "The session ended
normally" thats it.. no messages from PAM either (dont know if there
should be though)

I also tried without pam (from config file) and I also tried with
/etc/pam.d/entrance (copied from gdm and from entrance provided one)

I am quite baffeled at why it doesnt work (gdm works btw). Id love to
help out finding the bug! I really enjoy the design of entrance (thanks
to edje mostly :)

best regards Hallvar Helleseth

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