Ohh, ok then..
But, is not possible to edit the cfg file in a similar way as before?
Is it with ecore_config?
I get this:
# ecore_config entrance_config.cfg list
Command not yet supported


On 8/19/05, Bertrand Jacquin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

entrance have move its configuration from edb to ecore_config which is
a upper interface to edb, so there's dependencies while entrance was
already depending on ecore.

So edit /usr/share/entrance/build_config.sh and adjust it to your preferencies.

You can also rm /etc/entrance_config.db while /etc/entrance_config.cfg
is the new config file

See you,

On 8/19/05, Fernando Meira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
>  I just ran an e17 complete cvs update and when I rebooted, Entrace was a
> little bit messed up.
>  It did recognize users, but had a bunch of Sessions that were not there
> before. Suddenly, there was gnome, xfce, blackbox, ... when I don't have
> anything.
>  I also noticed a new file: /etc/entrance_config.cfg whereas
> /etc/entrance_config.db held the entrance config.
>  So, what is this file doing? What have changed? Which one is the cfg file?
> How do I configure it?
>  Thanks,
>  Fernando


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