steve wrote:

Whenever I go to Choose Continent->North America the module and all of enlightenment freezes completely. I have not debugged at all. I have noticed this behaviour for last two days.

After updating from CVS I noticed this too. It looks like there's just too many entries in the North America menu for the menu system to handle. enlightenement will jump to 100% CPU -- it may come back in a few minutes, or it may not. If I select North America, and then move my mouse to the right in such a way that I move down the N.A. menu without selecting any of the cities, I am able to get down to "New York", and if I select ONLY New York, I see a lot of menu items, but around the D-entries, the menu display is corrupted entirely. I'll just leave it set to Bermuda for now.

Mike Russo
ReadQ Systems, Inc.
(212) 425 3680 x105

Random quote of the last-time-I-ran-bash:
Cutler Webster's Law:
        There are two sides to every argument, unless a person
        is personally involved, in which case there is only one.

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