DOn't have eitherone of those files
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cd .e/e/config
[EMAIL PROTECTED] config]$ ls -a
.                              gadman.module.temperature.0.cfg
..                             module.battery.cfg
default                        module.clock.cfg
e.cfg                          module.dropshadow.cfg
gadman.module.battery.0.cfg    module.engage.cfg
gadman.module.clock.0.cfg      module.ibar.cfg
gadman.module.cpufreq.0.cfg    module.note.cfg
gadman.module.engage.0.cfg     module.pager.cfg
gadman.module.ibar.0.cfg       module.start.cfg
gadman.module.note.face.0.cfg  module.temperature.cfg
gadman.module.pager.0.cfg      profile.cfg

On 8/31/05, Marc Groß <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
jim lawrence wrote:
> I wish I could get the weather module to work!!!
> Still get that dam line with 30 and fair.

have you tried to delete ~/.e/e/config/ and
~/.e/e/config/ ?
Additionally I experienced a short delay after first starting the new
weather module, i.e. you have to wait a bit until the weather is updated.


Registered Linux User: #376813

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