On Sun, 14 May 2006 23:55:43 +0200,
   Morten Nilsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| I was recieving emails from the list, but then suddenly, it stopped..
| I know this because I see emails in the archive that were sent after I 
recieved the last one in my maildir..
| I unsubscribed and sent a new subscription request (using this mutt), I 
recieved a confirmation email, to which I replied (using this mutt) .. and 
that's the last thing to take place.
| I have recieved no welcome message (I did recieve a goodbye when I unsubbed) 
and either nothing is being said, or I'm not recieving emails (given the day 
and time, probably the former)

I have the same symtom for subscribing the E-intl list.
I re-subscribed the list using the web interface of the list,
and replied to a confirmation mail. But I have not received
the welcome message from the list yet.

In addition, before unsubscribing the list, I sent two mails
to the list yesterday night, and one of them was delivered to
me just now. It takes a whole day to deliver the mail.

"Thank you for telling me the truth."  --- HAL9000 in "2010"
 Yasufumi Haga   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fingerprint:0EFA 299A BC32 7D68 1FEF  BA2B 804E 9B15 C4F0 F9F0

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