On Thu, 8 Nov 2012 11:09:59 -0800 Marc MERLIN <marc_...@merlins.org> said:

> On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 01:18:31PM -0800, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> > Ok, so I did -fake-xinerama-screen 3840x2400 
> > and indeed now it ignores the fact that I have 4 monitors.
> (...)
> > I'm willing to believe that your users are happy with the new e17 way. I
> > guess I got so used to how I was doing it with e16 that I have a hard
> > time considering switching now 13 years later :)
> > e17 works fine on my laptop by the way since I only have one LCD. I only
> > noticed the changes when I upgraded my work desktop with the 2x2 screen
> > matrix to e17.
> Ok, I found out yesterday that the e17 code for a huge display with fake
> xinerama is broken and offsets things on other screens (I sent details with
> screenshots to Raster directly).
> Also, it seems to break the remember windows code too, so half of my many
> terminals don't go back where I saved them (it was working with 4
> independent screens).

that looks like an xorg hw or config issue - not anything to do with e17. :)

> Considering that I need something working kind of now, I may have to break
> down and go back to having 4 independent screens.
> I understand I can make it so that I don't have to waste space with 4
> shelves (one on each screen, especially awkward when you have a screen on
> top and a shelf in the middle of your viewing area).
> Am I more or less correct that I will lose the ability to have a pager that
> shows me the entire 2x2 display or even a pager for screens 1, 2, 4 if my
> shelf is only on screen #3 ?

you said you don't need or want virtual desktops... so why do you want a pager:?
the pager controls VIRTUAL desktops. you want all 4 screens to be 1 big screen
with no virtual desktops... and you have that via fake-xinerama options. (beats
me why u want that though - have 4 screens, each with as many virtual desktops
as u like and place pagers in shelves in appropriate places - eg the top left,
bottom-left,m top-right and bottom-right corners per screen. you can add and
delete shelves as u like - u dont need to drag them around to have them on
other screens).

> Otherwise, I still didn't quite find how I can add a simple 'lock' button to
> my shelf. Is there not a way to have a run everything icon on a shelf and have
> it call xlock on disk as soon as I click on the icon?

u can make an ibar with a custom desktop file (see applications settings) and
point ibar to a custom launcher directory (also settings). why you want to do
this and not just use e's built-in lock that can auto enable on screen blank, i
don't know. the default binding to bring it up is ctrl+alt+l, so you dont need
a button in the shelf for that - no gadget was ever provided as at least i
never saw a good use for it due to there already being key bindings and it auto
enabling on blank anyway. :)

> Thanks,
> Marc
> -- 
> "A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
> Microsoft is to operating systems ....
>                                       .... what McDonalds is to gourmet
> cooking Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/  

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