On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 01:18:31PM -0800, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> Ok, so I did -fake-xinerama-screen 3840x2400 
> and indeed now it ignores the fact that I have 4 monitors.
> I'm willing to believe that your users are happy with the new e17 way. I
> guess I got so used to how I was doing it with e16 that I have a hard
> time considering switching now 13 years later :)
> e17 works fine on my laptop by the way since I only have one LCD. I only
> noticed the changes when I upgraded my work desktop with the 2x2 screen
> matrix to e17.

Ok, I found out yesterday that the e17 code for a huge display with fake
xinerama is broken and offsets things on other screens (I sent details with
screenshots to Raster directly).
Also, it seems to break the remember windows code too, so half of my many
terminals don't go back where I saved them (it was working with 4
independent screens).

Considering that I need something working kind of now, I may have to break
down and go back to having 4 independent screens.
I understand I can make it so that I don't have to waste space with 4
shelves (one on each screen, especially awkward when you have a screen on
top and a shelf in the middle of your viewing area).

Am I more or less correct that I will lose the ability to have a pager that
shows me the entire 2x2 display or even a pager for screens 1, 2, 4 if my
shelf is only on screen #3 ?

Otherwise, I still didn't quite find how I can add a simple 'lock' button to
my shelf. Is there not a way to have a run everything icon on a shelf and have
it call xlock on disk as soon as I click on the icon?

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