Hi all,

I work mostly on the linux virtual consoles (only now is something
close available in terminology on X!). So I leave an open X-session
and return, sometimes after a couple of hours but mostly in 15-20
minutes. Only to find the X screen unresponsive. The digital clock is
stuck in history. Sometimes, control returns - after 20 seconds
(pretty precisely). Or never.

Earlier, with the blanking enabled at default setting, the screen
disappeared slooooowly - to return 20 seconds later, or never. Now,
with blanking disabled, the screen remains frozen in history.

Asus P5WDG2 mobo with Q6600 Quad Core 2
GeForce 9400 GT graphics with Nouveau driver
kernel 3.7.0, Xorg 1.13.0 with Mesa 9.0.1 (all Releases)
E17 -0.17.0 with opengl_x11 engine.
No corrupt memory problem - using ECC RAM

Nothing in logs -:(

Most irritating - but nothing even close to E17 anywhere on the horizon, AFAIK

Arvind R.

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