Hi Jeff,

nice effort. I saw a login shell mentioned in the screenshots. That's
something I'd expect eccess to be able to configure. It could also
configure xdg-user-dirs
(http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs). Can't think
of other stuff right now.


On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 16:05:05 -0600
Jeff Hoogland <jeffhoogl...@linux.com> wrote:

> I've started work on a tool I'm calling eCcess that is written in
> python and elementary. It's goal is to provide a GUI for system
> command similar to what some other desktops offer.
> I've started a github for it here ->
> https://github.com/JeffHoogland/eccess Small Image Gallery here ->
> https://github.com/JeffHoogland/eccess/tree/master/screenshots
> Currently you can add/delete users and change a user's current
> password. There is a list of groups - but currently it is
> non-functional in terms of doing anything with said groups (you will
> be able to add/delete groups once I get some more time).
> What features would be useful for a tool like this to have? I'm open
> to suggestions.

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