On 01/20/2016 10:51 AM, Stefan Schmidt wrote:
> Hello
> On 20/01/16 17:35, Larry Wyble wrote:
>> I'm sorry I looked again and I have gstreamer 0.10.36 installed but the
>> question remains. I have upgraded gstreamer in the past and broken
>> everything else on my computer that depends on it. Am I goin to have to
>> upgrade gstreamer and all the other programs that depend on it?
>> As I recall from past episodes (which I admit were a while back) this
>> turned out to be a major pain in the butt.
> You can still disable gstreamer 1.x and use 0.1x
> [stefan@workmachine efl]$ ./configure --help | grep gstreamer
>     --enable-gstreamer      enable gstreamer 0.10 support. [default=disabled]
>     --disable-gstreamer1    disable gstreamer 1.0 support. [default=enabled]
> Not sure how many people are still testing this so. Just as a warning.
> regards
> Stefan Schmidt
I don't know how I missed this, I read through configure --help and 
somehow I missed this. Oh well I installed gstreamer-1.0 in parallel 
with 0.10 and got past that point now I'm up to error: pkg-config 
missing libpulse. Yes I live in dependency hell with Slackware but after 
having a hard drive crash and living in dependency hell for over 20 
years with Slackware I decided to try a lot of the easy package install 
distos like ubunto and arch and debian and some others I'm right back 
where I started with Slackware.  :)  The others were way too confining. 
You had to take a broadaxe to the gui desktop to get them loose from the 
termials, Arch didn't support all my memory, me having 32 bit system, 
then there's that grub, another piece of software that requires a 
chainsaw to remove it from your drive..  Slackware is dependency but 
we've been lovers a long time and I just can't give her up.   LOL

Thanks guys

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