On 10/08/2016 05:06 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Oct 2016 09:59:27 -0700 Eric <eri...@cox.net> said:
>> On 10/08/2016 02:33 AM, Simon Lees wrote:
>>> On 10/08/2016 06:25 PM, Eric wrote:
>>>> Thank you Simon,
>>>> I was able to get it working using the repository.  I did find out that
>>>> the problem was with the new NVIDIA driver that I have to choose
>>>> software rendering instead of OpenGL.  With OpenGL I just get the mouse
>>>> cursor icon displaying with nothing else.  Using software rendering
>>>> makes my desktop a little sluggish on this machine.
>>>> I am going to see if I can role back the NVIDIA update somehow.  My
>>>> google search has not led me with the right info on how to do that yet
>>>> on openSUSE.
>>>> Eric Meddleton
>>> Updates should remain available, so if you go to yast search for NVIDIA
>>> in the software manager, there should be a version tab that you can use
>>> to roll back.
>> Unfortunately, the previous version for NVIDIA is not available in yast,
>> just the version I have installed and the i586 version.  (But that is
>> getting into openSUSE territory and not really applicable to e-users
>> discussion.)
>> Now that I remember, I had a similar situation on a different machine
>> with Arch linux a year or so ago.  That machine had a NVIDIA GeForce
>> GTX570 card.  I have just lived with the software rendering on that
>> machine without any noticeable difference maybe due to it having an
>> intel i7 processor.  No updates on NVIDIA or enlightenment and the ELF
>> libraries  has helped  since then and the downgrade would have meant
>> also downgrading the kernel so I just let it go.  It may just need to be
>> re-installed to get it all sorted out and I just have not wanted to try
>> that yet. :-)
>> The machine in question now only has an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core
>> Processor 5600+ and is getting a little old.  I will try updating
>> openSUSE to the next version to see how that goes.
>> Thank you very much for your help.
> hmmm i wonder if it's the shader cache? try
> rm -rf ~/.cache/evas*


This was what was wrong with my Arch linux install all along.  I deleted 
the .cache files and now I have openGL working again on that system.

Thank you very much,

Eric Meddleton

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