Hello everyone!
I am starting to use terminology and I have some questions,
terminology version is 0.9.1 and efl version is 1.18.2.

The first: I like the cursor animation when is checked "React to key
presses" on Behaviour, but I don't want the key click sound. How do I
disable it? What are the other implications of "React to key presses"
other than the nice animation?

The second: I use zsh, and I defined the shell behavior for some keys
via bindkey, but the home and end buttons aren't working properly:
they are mapped to beginning-of-line and end-of-line, but I get the
visual bell instead.
What change do I need to make it works?
The relevant part of .zshrc:
bindkey '^[[7~' beginning-of-line
bindkey '^[[8~' end-of-line

Thanks in advance

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