On 03/28/2017 09:06 PM, Francesc Guasch wrote:
> Hi.
> The very first time an user starts Enlightment there
> are some options to choose from: language, and so.
> Is there a way to let the users not to have to go
> through this ?
> I was thinking about a system default directory that
> could be copied to the user home the first time or
> something like this. I was searching the site and the
> mailing list archives but I couldn't find anything.
> Thank you.

Yes you can simply remove the ones you do not want (there are some that
you don't see that you do still want), there are also others like
language where we are working to only show them when we can't detect it
from the system.

On openSUSE we remove some pages such as the one asking about taskbars
and ship a extended range of profiles. We also remove some others such
as the notification about upgrades that make no sense to us. Simply
remove the pages you don't require from your equivalent of
/usr/lib64/enlightenment/modules/wizard/linux-gnu-x86_64-ver-0.21/ When
I did this I created a wiki page documenting which one was which
https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/wizard_pages_list/. At a guess you will
atleast want to keep the hidden ones otherwise those features may not work.


Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

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