On 24/07/18 05:06, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 20:31:16 +0100 Peter Flynn <pe...@silmaril.ie> said:
>> On 23/07/18 07:44, Pierre Couderc wrote:
>>> I have many problems with "big" screens (in pixels 1920x1080). 
>>> Characters are very small. It is easy to change this in e itself
>>> using "scaling".

Right. But that setting does not persist into applications.

> actually no. this is where users and many toolkits and apps get it totally
> wrong. so you specify font size. what about icons and other elements then?

They should stay the same size. This is where designers misunderstand
the problem.

People with this class of visual impairment don't want to scale
*everything* just in order to read the text. The icons and other screen
furniture are already big enough to see. They want to increase the size
of the text to one they can read, and have all applications obey that size.

There are of course other classes of impairment in which the use may
need everything scaled, but it is incorrect to assume that this is true
for all cases.

> that is precisely why efl just uses a "scale" factor.[...] but this only 
> affects efl/e.

That's the second half of the problem. If I make a system setting like
this, I expect ALL applications to obey it, otherwise it does not
achieve anything.

> another way users/toolkits do this is "set dpi". you DO NOT SET dpi. dpi is a
> property o the screen (and its current resolution). SETTING it to get
> something to scale up is NOT right. 

Yes, this is the wrong solution.

> this why there has to be a separate sizing factor other than messing with DPI,
> thus why efl uses a scale factor like above that is separate to dpi or font
> sizing, because really... "everyone is doing it wrong" (to be super simple
> about it). 


> setting font size is wrong (for the purposes of "it's too small - i
> need it bigger!"). 

What is the solution then? If I cannot read the text in thhe
application, I must have a way to make it bigger ON ITS OWN. Scaling the
whole window contents (like Ctrl+ in a browser) is NOT correct because
that increases the size of the icons, images, and all the other stuff.

+1 to all those blogs who provide a Text± adjustment!

> also font size is tightly tied to the font itself. at the
> same size different fonts can be vastly different in "visual size".

True, but not "vastly" different except for display fonts. We're talking
here about text fonts. The variation in cap height and x height wrt
point size is clear, but the effect does not prevent font scaling from
solving the problem of legibility.

> well TBH, i doubt that would work because there are OTHER methods to solve
> this, like: just lower your resolution (brute force but will solve the
> problem), or use a magnifier tool (of which plenty exist). it's not nice
> solutions, but then most solutions for those impaired with something aren't
> wonderful - they get the job done mostly.

The correct solution is to impose a rule that all apps must obey the
current system default text font size. So if I install e and set my
default font size to 22pt, all other applications must use that as their
default for normal text (they can do anything they want with other kinds
of text, although if they are written properly, other sizes will be
proportionate to the base size).

But this won't happen, for the reasons I gave before, unfortunately.

> but don't take the above as a disagreement that it's wrong to not be nice to
> those visually impaired who need "stuff to be bigger". the right solution IMHO
> is as above, and it's what EFL does, and at least across efl it works very 
> well

Yes, but it is not known by most applications.

> it's just a single size. it's intended for exactly the use cases you want -
> "make stuff bigger so i can see it" and you are asked to just select the thing
> that looks best to you. as above - it works across e/efl because it's designed
> to work this way. other toolkits imho are messier. gnome/gtk has a mix of "set
> font size", set dpi and "hi dpi display" which originally only allowed for
> integer scaling (2x, 3x, 4x etc.) as a wayland protocol. qt i think is dpi +
> font size too (when i say dpi, i mean "fake the dpi").

But those settings are only for the window manager's own menu and
widgets. They get ignored by all applications.

The problem is architectural. Apple solved it decades ago by diktat, but
that isn't possible or desirable in Linux. App authors have got to
*want* to do the right thing: at the moment they are largely unaware of
the problem.


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