On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 08:18:49 +0200 Pierre Couderc <pie...@couderc.eu> said:

> On 07/24/2018 06:06 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> >
> > actually no. this is where users and many toolkits and apps get it totally
> > wrong. so you specify font size. what about icons and other elements then?
> > that is precisely why efl just uses a "scale" factor. a single number (1.0
> > being the default, 2.0 == 2x as big etc.) where everything that can scale is
> > multiplied by that value, and that value is farmed out to the user to decide
> > what works best for them. enlightenment has an option to calculate the scale
> > factor based on dpi (with a base dpi of X == 1.0) using the real physical
> > dpi to do it. this is one of the first questions enlightenment asks in its
> > wizard giving you a whole bunch of options to choose from with previews so
> > you pick what looks right. but this only affects efl/e.
> >
> > another way users/toolkits do this is "set dpi". you DO NOT SET dpi. dpi is
> > a property o the screen (and its current resolution). SETTING it to get
> > something to scale up is NOT right. now, if you do, apps that want to
> > actually display something at a specific physical size on the screen
> > (15x33mm for example) can't because dpi is now wrong. dpi is directly
> > related to screen size, and querying screen size is now no longer a way to
> > figure out what kind of screen you might have (~32"+ tv? desktop
> > (~19-30")?, laptop (~10-17"), tablet (~7-10")? phone(~3-7") etc. (yes.
> > things play guessorama based on these kinds of things to alter behaviour to
> > fit that kind of device, but if you fake dpi then these guesses are going
> > to be wrong).
> >
> >
> I fully agree and I illustrate it : my laptop is 14'' and 1920x1080, and 
> I have a second screen 24'' and 1920x1080 !!
> So "scale" factor is a good solution. But...
> It does not work : the scale factor should be different for each screen. 
> There is a "Scale" factor in the "Screen  Setup" but it has no effect 
> (in last git version).
> What do I miss ?

actually... this is possible. :) with efl+enlightenment it is. e will send
messages to the window to change scale factor *IF* you set up the screen with a
different scale factor in the screen setup dialog... the problem is this messes
up enlightenment right now as scale factor is "per process" as opposed to "per
parent object" (well actually it is per parent object but the way it's
implemented is problematic for e as it has a single window spanning both
screens...). check the screen setup dialog under "use profile". check it then
you can even select a whole different config profile for apps on that screen AND
optionally a custom scale factor... :) ... now drag window from screen to
screen.. :)

but this seems to have broken in current git though... it DID work when i wrote
this support...

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com

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