On 18/09/2018 04:08, sergio wrote:
> My e config is minimal. A few modules are loaded. Nothing in Settings ->
> Advanced -> Environment Variables. Also I've inspected configs with vieet.
> enlightenment start from ~/.xsession with enlightenment_start
> If I replace enlightenment_start with xterm $QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE is not
> set and $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME is qt5ct. But just soon as I run
> enlightenment_start it set both variables to gtk2
This was intentional, with nothing set when running Qt apps, Qt didn't
know which engine to use so it was falling back to a very basic one
which didn't load icons etc. GTK2 was chosen over KDE because at the
time the gtk2 engine was installed with all Qt installs and
enlightenment's dialog to set the "Application Theme" sets the GTK
theme, and so with this was also applying to Qt applications.

Since then much has changed so if someone wants to test and suggest a
new default that will work better out of the box that would be great.
qt5ct probably isn't an acceptable default as its generally not
installed by default on distro's


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