
I have 2 questions about the latest enlightenment & efl environment.

1. Position of Emacs

In ~/.emacs,  I have set up the following for Emacs positioning,

(if (boundp 'window-system)
    (setq initial-frame-alist
          (append (list
                   ;;'(font . "fontset-16")
                   '(foreground-color . "green3")
                   '(background-color . "black")
                   '(border-color     . "gray")
                   '(mouse-color      . "white")
                   '(cursor-color     . "Blue")
                   '(cursor-type      . box)
                   '(menu-bar-lines . 1)
                   '(vertical-scroll-bars . right)
                   '(width . 82)
                   '(height . 51)
                   '(top . 35)
                   '(left . 10)

In this case, the setting for top is ignored regardless of it's value.

Is there a way to reflect the value of top?

2. Login issue

Regardless of the login manager, when I try to log in, there is a very
high probability (about 30%) that a black screen will appear, and I
have to use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to go back and log in again.

This has been happening since the Christmas release, but is it
specific to my environment?


┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya             mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛ "Three young men died for Rationalization.
           Yet, Margaret Bloody Thatcher LIVES!"
                                            'Brassed Off'

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