To all the e devs and the debian packager:

I have been using v24 for some time, finally moving away from e16. When I noticed that v25 had been posted to debian sid I quickly gave it a test drive in a vm. I was very impressed by the fixes and additions, so I installed siduction as my daily driver and e v25.1 as my desktop.

After a couple of weeks of use, I must thank the e team, especially Rasterman, for the finest enlightenment to date. I can't begin to list all the improvements and bug fixes, feels like a new car. Being just a user, all I can say is that the new release is a pleasure to use.

While it's not likely that any one will get rich off of enlightenment, I'm quite sure many will have fun using it.

Thank you, each and every one.

On 2021-12-26 06:11, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
I'm going to keep this mail simple. New releases:

All released today.

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