
In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <662d56aa-25c5-8010-c56f-1dbea899a...@gmail.com>
  Date & Time: Fri, 3 Mar 2023 13:54:41 +0100

[MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:

MM> Masaru Nomiya ha scritto il 03/03/23 alle 13:36:

MM> > The messages about bluetooth (which are warnings for now) are not from
MM> > enlightenment, but from pipewire.
MM> > 
MM> > I am using bluez-5.66 on my Tumbleweed, so I don't get these messages.

MM> Same here, current bluez version on bookworm:

MM> dpkg -l | grep bluez
MM> ii  bluez                                    5.66-1             amd64
MM> Bluetooth tools and daemons
MM> ii  bluez-obexd                              5.66-1             amd64
MM> bluez obex daemon

Is it?

Is this a bug in pipewire 0.3.65?
I am now using pipewire 0.3.66 git head.

In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <10facaf6-9712-a1d1-51f2-581c253b4...@gmail.com>
  Date & Time: Fri, 3 Mar 2023 18:16:25 +0100

[MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:

MM>  Masaru Nomiya ha scritto il 03/03/23 alle 03:21:
MM>  > The last means is to put the following settings in .xinitrc.

MM>  AFAIK xinit is not used if Xorg is executed via a display
MM>  manager. I don't have any xinitrc file in my homedir. For system
MM>  wide configuration there is /etc/gdm3/Init/Default and i don't
MM>  know if an user configuratione file can be used and what should
MM>  be its name.

It seems that gdm uses Xsession.

Do you have files like .profile, .bash_profile, or .bashrc in your
home directory?
If not, create a .bash_profile and write settings in it.


This is yours;

In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <52a2c549-be5d-7ed4-3934-4f9439b8f...@gmail.com>
  Date & Time: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 11:49:28 +0100

[MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:

MN> > 1. $ pactl info

MM>  Stringa server: /run/user/1000/pulse/native
MM>  Versione protocollo libreria: 35
MM>  Versione protocollo server: 35
MM>  Locale: sì
MM>  Indice client: 60
MM>  Dimensione tile: 65472
MM>  Nome utente: max
MM>  Nome host: diamante
MM>  Nome server: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.65)
MM>  Versione server: 15.0.0
MM>  Specifica di campionamento predefinita: float32le ch 2 48000 Hz
MM>  Mappa del canale predefinita: front-left,front-right
MM>  Sink predefinito: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
MM>  Sorgente predefinita: alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
MM>  Cookie: 56ec:5bba

As you can see, in your case, the sampling rate is 48Khz, which sounds
better than the CD with a sampling rate of 44.1Khz.

This is my case.

$> pactl info
Server String: /run/user/1000/pulse/native
Library Protocol Version: 35
Server Protocol Version: 35
Is Local: yes
Client Index: 58
Tile Size: 65472
User Name: masaru
Host Name: localhost
Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.66)
Server Version: 15.0.0
Default Sample Specification: float32le 2ch 352800Hz
Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right
Default Sink: alsa_output.usb-D_M_Holdings_Inc._HD-AMP1-00.analog-stereo
Default Source: 
Cookie: 092b:2b50

The sampling rate in my case is 352.8KHz, and I can also play back
high-resolution sound. Even if it is not a high-resolution sound, it
gives me a sound that makes me think that this is the sound of CD.

This requires a USB DAC, but it also requires some configuration.

For it,

$ sudo cp /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf /etc/pipewire

and then edit the /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf like this;

## Properties for the DSP configuration.
    default.clock.rate = 352800
    default.clock.allowed-rates = [ 44100 48000 96000 192000 352800 384000 ]
    default.clock.quantum = 1024
    default.clock.min-quantum = 16
    default.clock.max-quantum = 2048
    default.clock.quantum-limit = 8192
    default.video.width = 800
    default.video.height = 600

I use mpd and Cantata to listen to musics and am very happy with them.

I hope this will be helpful.


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