On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 16:34:31 -0700 Paul Kelly <pksi...@gmail.com> said:

> Gentlemen, let me first compliment you on a very, very interesting
> project. Well done, everything is well thought out and Logical,
> sometimes doesn't match my logic but after I find it and think it
> through it is quite logical.  Much appreciated. I remember when
> Enlightenment was first created, I used it for a while but moved on to
> other environments as we usually do. BUt thought that it was going to
> be awesome when the projected final product came to be. Cudos to
> Carsten for sticking with it. 
> One thing though I do not understand  Having done it on other
> distributions/desktops in my 30+ years of using Linux
> I have a computer that uses a Samsung TV as it's monitor.  And I cannot
> get a decent sized font or resize for it to be readable from my chair,
> about 12 feet away. I have spent the better part of the last three days
> trying to and have failed. The adjustments requested by the settings
> seem to be being ignored and the same fonts remain. Firefox resized
> easily and is the only thing that has/or I have checked.
> It is a show stopper, and the only thing that this machine isn't doing
> correctly. It is my Backup, email, internal DNS, Music workstation and
> Stream watcher. 
> I am not clear if this is an Enlightenment issue or a distro problem,
> I'm posting at both places to find out.  I am using AVL-MXe-23.2 Which
> is a Debian customization that I have been using for about 4 years,
> this is the new version however, based on Bookworm.
> Thank you for reading this and doing what you do.

1. In the end you want things to MATCH for scaling to be effective. to do this
you're going to have to actually set up the same font for everything. there is
a dialog in e:


enable custom font classes. select sans. size normal. this will at least ask
apps to use the same font as e and efl. how different toolkits render fonts may
vary a bit, but it should come out the same. (e.g. chrome will insist on using
sub-pixel rgb rendering regardless what xsettings say to use - e will forcibly
turn off RGB subpixel in xsettings as evas is not able to do this and it falls
apart fast the moment you have to rotate or do anything interesting - it's a
hack for an assumed case of a vertical strip RGB or BGR triplet LCD panel with
1:1 font rendering - no scaling, filters, rotation done to the pixels after
font is rendered. everything else breaks).

2. select a gtk theme:


i downloaded e-gtk-pro:


i dropped it into ~/.themes (unpacked it there). also match enlightenment theme
and enable x application settings.

3. icon theme (optional):


got it from:


i git clones that in ~/.local/share/icons/ and then:

  ln -s flat-remix/Flat-Remix-Yellow-Dark

to have a directory for that version of the theme (various light and dark ones
in flat-remix - feel free to symlink them all if you like). i didn't enable the
icon theme for e as i am relying on the default theme to provide all the icons
as they match the theme for e and efl apps nicely (designed to go together).

4. scale settings (a must):


i went to advanced mode here so you see all the parts. i have a custom scale of
1 - you probably need 2 or 3. be aware constraints tab limits scaling between
0.8 and 3.0 - you can change these limits. you may need > 3. i set application
dpi and the base dpi is 75. that's because efl has a built is hard coded 75dpi
it uses for freetype. efl does not mess with dpi for scaling (it's all a hack
in the end. it does not work for tv's like yours - the dpi is super low BUT you
don't want that... your view distance is so much that dpi is totally off - in
the end dpi is only useful for one thing. if you must reproduce some image on a
screen that is physically dimensionally accurate like 173.6mm wide or
something - otherwise scaling is entirely dependant on partial pixels per
degree of vision - so this depends on dpi AND the distance your eyes are from
the screen which no one actually knows except you ... and how good you
eyesight is which also no one knows except for you, thus in the end the only
sensible way to scale is just present a scale factor and slide it up and down
until you're happy).

now that 75dpi base may for some reason not be right for you - you may need 90
or 100. i don't know why this happens. it does not happen on any machine i have
and with this everything is consistent and it SHOULD be because of the above
(efl renders fonts at 75dpi but relies on bumping up font size to scale text).
some people report that their apps are tiny (vs efl/e) and thus bumping this
base dpi up may be the solution. play with that until apps like qt, gtk, ffox,
chrome etc. render their fonts at the same size pixel for pixel. then the single
scale factor should scale everything for everyone...

all of these dialogs above are in enlightenment's Settings -> Look section:


for qt apps, you may want to try download things like qt5gtk2, qt6gtk2 that
make qt read/use gtk theme info to look like gtk and thus also then match.
(these are the AUR packages in arch - find whatever works for you on your
distro). here is what i see with my setup:


3 text editors. from top to bottom: efl, gtk, qt. all consistent text, fonts
etc. now at scale 2:


everyone scaled... 2x as big (in pixels). everything on my screen scaled
actually... e (everything - icons, shelves, menus, gadgets, fonts, etc. etc.)
and applications (this is a bit tricky - gtk until very recently has only
allowed integer scaling - not fractional, thus e has to hack around this with
setting xft and xsettings dpi which only affects fonts in gtk - not icons. efl
doesn't use xsettings at all, but elementary has config files for all of this as
well as environment variables to set scaling factor etc. and qt seems to scale
everything based on dpi - i can go on with details but tbh qt vs gtk has been/is
a bit of a mess as both can accept dpi and some scale env vars as well as
the limit to scaling of only integer amounts here and efl is simpler but
consistent in how it works and can scale to any value).

all of the above can be customized in various ways. yes - it's a lot of moving

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com

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