Mandi! Mike Kaply
  In chel di` si favelave...


As Thane say, i'm also a bit puzzled by that explanation. What i
understand is that, because profile dir name are hashad against install
dir path, i'll get different profiles for different bitness.

This can be horrible for FF, disastrous for TB.

Also, as Klaus say, i think that approach would be more 'safe', eg 'use
hashed profile dirs only for non-standard install dirs' (that probably
was the 'developer' approach).

Generally speaking, having different profiles for different FF/TB
version is a good idea, but the migration within profiles have to be
clear and rock-solid, cannot leave users with empty profiles... and
cannot leave behind them too much unused profiles: we use roming
profiles here!

So, seems to me that there's no alternatives on setting
MOZ_LEGACY_PROFILES=1, for now, here... hoping that a policy can be
used for that sooner.

Thanks, Mike.

dott. Marco Gaiarin                                     GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
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