
--------- Forwarded Message ---------

DATE: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 20:11:24
From: "Riza V. Tjahjadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Global petition re access to pharmaceuticals: AID di Afrika Selatan

                                         Indonesia, and English versions

Masih ingatkah anda: Say with Love, Diamond are forever?
Itu iklannya De Beers, pengusaha intan dunia.

Lalu, ingatkah anda dengan Nelson Mandela yang selalu berbaju batik?

Itu semua dari Afrika Selatan..!

Kini, pemerintah Afrika Selatan membutuhkan sokongan anda, berupa
pernyataan dukungan global, agar 39 perusahaan farmasi pemilik paten
obat-obatan AIDs tidak menghalangi upaya rakyat Afsel penderita HIV/AIDs
guna dapat membeli obat dengan mudah dan dengan harga terjangkau.

Dengan adanya paten, maka pemerintah Afrika Selatan sukar dapat
melaksanakan UU Obat tahun 1997 yang mengupayakan peluang keterjangkauan
dan dapat diperolehnya obat-obatan esensial bagi penderita yang
berkaitan dengan HIV/AIDs.

Upaya pemerintah Afsel tersebut bersambut gayung. Sebuah organisasi yang
pernah memberikan bantuan bagi korban perang sipil di Ambon, maupun di
NTT,  Papua, Aceh, Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, North-Maluku, Manado
dan kepulaan Banggai, yaitu Midecins Sans Frontihres (MSF), berkampanye
secara global untuk mengumpulkan penyokong dari berbagai belahan dunia
guna membantu pemerintah Afrika Selatan tersebut.

Semenjak 1998 hingga kini sudah tercatat sebanyak 400.000 penderita AIDs
di negara itu yang mati secara dini, karena mahalnya obat-obatan yang
berkaitan dengan AID milik 39 perusahaan farmasi besar.

Kini DUKUNGAN ANDA dinantikan, agar 39 perusahaan farmasi raksasa itu
akan menarik tanpa syarat penerapan paten obat-obatan yang terkait AIDs.

Silahkan pergi ke (agak repot sedikit, tetapi nama anda "terjamin" tidak
diketahui orang lain)


Lalu, pada bagian bawah judul utama

Sign the 'Drop the Case' petition

klik pada bagian:

MSF PETITION Sign the Drop the Case petition

Anda akan masuk pada halaman:
MSF Drop the Case petition

Klik, lagi, bagian tengahnya:
Sign the Drop the Case petition

Isilah formulir pada lembar halaman berikutnya:

Only your name and country of residence will be sent to companies and
governments. MSF will not release your email address publicly.

Dukungan anda dinantikan hingga 15 April mendatang.

Salam adil dan lestari,

Riza VT
PAN Indonesia
Jl. Persada Raya No. 1 Menteng Dalam
Jakarta 12870

                 No Patent No Cure No Patent No Beauty
                           No Patent No Food
                              They claimed
                              We fight for
           Farmers' Rights, and Community Intellectual Rights

Salinan asli:



      Below is a copy of Midecins Sans Frontihres' global petition
calling on 39 pharmaceutical companies to immediately and
unconditionally withdraw their "patent" case against the South African

      Below the petition are the names of the 39 pharmaceutical
companies involved.

      Please read this entire email and go to the website noted below
and type in your name. It will just take a moment and it may save many
lives. Doctors without Frontiers is a wonderful group and the patent and
pricing policies of the pharmaceutical companies are costing hundreds of
thousands of lives.

      Thanks for your help.

      -- Beth Burrows
      The Edmonds Institute

      Note: Be sure to send this email to all your contacts.
      The petition deserves a big response.



      MSF Drop the Case petition

      Midecins Sans Frontihres (MSF) asks you to support South Africa's
efforts to make essential medicines more accessible to its people by
signing the global petition below by April 15.

      We, the undersigned, support the South African government's
efforts to make essential medicines more affordable and accessible to
its people through the medicines act passed in 1997. Therefore, we call
on the 39 pharmaceutical companies that are blocking implementation of
this  legislation with a lawsuit to withdraw immediately from the case.

      With over four million already infected with HIV, South Africa has
the highest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. Very few
can afford the treatment that has extended and improved the lives of
people in richer countries. Since 1998, the pharmaceutical industry has
blocked the medicines legislation, claiming it would infringe on their
patent rights. During that period, 400,000 South Africans have died of
AIDS-related causes. High prices are effectively denying medicines to
poor patients, condemning them to a premature death.

      We call on the 39 pharmaceutical companies to withdraw
immediately and unconditionally from this case. And we call on
governments to support the people of South Africa by also urging the
companies to drop their case.

      Sign the Drop the Case petition

      MSF will send your signature* to the 39 pharmaceutical companies
and to governments to send a clear message that protecting lives should
come before protecting patents.

      *Only your name and country of residence will be sent to companies
and governments. MSF will not release your email address  publicly.


      The 39 pharmaceutical companies in the South African court case
webplaced: March 9, 2001
      A complete list of the 39 pharmaceutical companies suing the South
African government to prevent the distribution of essential medications
under South African law.

      The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of South Africa
      Alcon Laboratories (S.A.) (Proprietary) Limited
      Bayer (Proprietary) Limited
      Bristol-Myers Squibb (Proprietary) Limited
      Byk Madaus (Proprietary) Limited
      Eli Lilly (South Africa) (Proprietary) Limited
      Glaxo Wellcome (South Africa) (Proprietary) Limited
      Hoechst Marion Roussel Limited
      Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals (Proprietary) Limited
      Janssen-Cilag Pharmaceutica (Proprietary) Limited
      Knoll Pharmaceuticals South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
      Lundbeck South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
      Merck (Proprietary) Limited
      MSD (Proprietary) Limited
      Novartis South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
      Novo Nordisk (Proprietary) Limited
      Pharmacia & Upjohn (Proprietary) Limited
      Rhone-Poulenc Rorer South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
      Roche Products (Proprietary) Limited
      Schering (Proprietary) Limited
      Schering-Plough (Proprietary) Limited
      S.A. Scientific Pharmaceuticals (Proprietary) Limited
      SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals (Proprietary)
      Limited Universal
      Pharmaceuticals (Proprietary) Limited
      Wyeth (Proprietary) Limited
      Xixia Pharmaceuticals (Proprietary) Limited
      Zeneca South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
      Bayer AG
      Boehringer-Ingelheim International GmbH
      Boehringer-Ingelheim KG
      Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
      Byk Gulden Lomberg Chemische Fabrik GmbH
      Dr. Karl Thomae GmbH
      Eli Lilly and Company
      F. Hoffman-La Roche AG
      Merck KGaA
      Merck & Co., Inc.
      Rhone-Poulenc Rorer S.A.

Thanks for your support.
Merci pour votre soutien.

MSF in Indonesia
Last updated: June 29, 2000
Ambon - Tens of thousands beyond humanitarian reach
Press release: June 27,2000 - Ambon, Indonesia - Midecins Sans
Frontihres calls for immediate access to the population affected by the
ongoing civil war in Ambon. Tens of thousands are beyond the help of aid
agencies, hospitals running out of supplies.

MSF has been working in Indonesia since 1997 and is also running
projects in West-Timor, Papua, Aceh, Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi,
North-Maluku, Manado and Banggai Islands.

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