
People versus nature
Fencing off "biodiversity hot spots" will not protect species from extinction, warns a 
new report 

The world has no hope of protecting species from extinction by fencing off 
"biodiversity hot spots", warns a new report. It says these areas of high biodiversity 
are home to up to a billion of the world's poorest people, who desperately need the 
land for farming. 

"There is no hope of our conserving biodiversity that way," says Jeff McNeely, chief 
scientist at the Swiss-based World Conservation Union and a co-author of the report. 

"Hot spots are where people live, too. We cannot separate people and wildlife. We have 
to find a productive balance with nature."

The report was launched in London this week with the backing of Future Harvest, an 
organisation representing 16 international agricultural research centres. The other 
author of the report is Sara Scherr, a leading agriculture researcher at the 
University of Maryland in College Park.

Deserately poor

The hot spots approach is the brainchild of Norman Myers, an independent British 
ecologist. Preserving just 25 areas around the world which have the highest 
biodiversity "would go far to stem the mass extinction of species", he reported in the 
journal Nature last year (New Scientist, 26 February 2000, p 12). 

The areas Myers pinpoints contain half the world's species, but together cover an area 
smaller than Greenland. The idea has been formally adopted by Conservation 
International, a US-based private charity which buys up wilderness round the world.

But the report says more than a billion people, one-sixth of the world's population, 
live in these 25 hot spots. And these people are often among the most impoverished in 
their respective countries. 

"Endangered species, essential farmlands and desperately poor humans often occupy the 
same ground," says the report. "It is unrealistic to expect isolated protected areas 
to carry the full responsibility for conserving wild biodiversity."

Boosting productivity

The report calls for a new approach to protecting biodiversity which combines 
conservation and farming efforts. Dubbed "eco-agriculture", the scheme has already 
been successful in Costa Rica. Examples include planting windbreaks to connect patches 
of forest, and growing trees on pasturelands to protect forest birds and shade coffee 

In many cases, bringing nature back to the fields has boosted productivity by 
attracting pollinators, improving soils and providing new crops such as fruit, 
medicinal plants and fodder.

The development of eco-agricultural systems is often discouraged by the way research 
is funded. 

"Most research is led by the private sector, which wants to make money by 
concentrating on the most productive land," says McNeely. "So they never find ways of 
improving the lot of poor subsistence farmers who have the biggest impact on 

Instead, McNeely calls for more research into subsistence farming. He admits it won't 
make much money, but it "will provide food security for the poor and help protect 
biodiversity". If supported by sound science and policy, he says, "humans and wild 
species can share the same ground".

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