Kim wrote:

> Do you ever have folks ask to borrow your EOS gear? How do you respond?
> Here's the background:  I'm strictly an amateur, and I have what I think is
> a nice collection of equipment of which I'm quite proud and I take excellent
> care of it. I have a new Elan 7E and an ever newer 100-400 IS L which I
> often use to shoot my kids' sporting events. The situation:  yesterday at a
> soccer tournament, another parent asked if I'd bring my camera and lens
> again today so he could "run a roll" through it. I said yes, but I didn't
> want to! I felt put on the spot. Frankly, schlepping photo gear to soccer
> games isn't as easy as it may seem--I have 3 kids, so I'm also lugging
> chairs and blankets and a cooler, etc., in addition to the heavy camera bag
> and monopod. It's often quite a trek from the car to the field. I do this so
> that we can have decent pics of the kids, and of course because I enjoy the
> hobby. I feel so selfish because I don't want this man playing with my
> toys...since I already said yes, that's that, but for future reference, what
> would/do you do?
> Kim


There are only three people that I lend my EOS things too.  My wife, my
grandson, and my friend Larry.

If others ask I simply say "no, I don't lend my camera equipment.  While I know
that you will take care of it I do not want to put you in a situation where you
would be responsible for the investment I have in it.  Sorry."

                   ( 0 0 )
Everybody has a photographic memory.  Some just don't have any film.

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