>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 22:34:17 +0530
>From: "Sanjay Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The IIe focusses at one stop lower light and has an IR >assist. Since I will mostly 
>do landscape/macro, AF >speed or servo speed are of less >importance to me.

If, as you stated, you shoot mostly landscape and macro, you will rarely need 0-EV 
focusing ability, right?

>How about 1) construction. Is the mirror mechanism well >damped like the 7e?

I've had the II and the 7e. The mirror damping is better on the 7e, in my opinion. The 
II is generally noisier than the 7/7e, but for your work it won't matter.

>2) metering accuracy. The 7e has 35-zone metering >against IIe's 6-zone. I do not 
>think the former spells >more accuracy because of that, but what is the
>user experience? 

My II never had very accurate metering. It was off in all modes (except the green 
idiot mode, go figure) by 1/2 to 1 stop under; I had it tested twice. My 7e has 
excellent metering in all modes.

>How a[re] the E-TTL flash metering in both cameras?

With the 380EX (my only EX flash), excellent in both cameras.

>3) build quality?

I've had all three Elan models; all were well built.

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