First of all, there is an EOS-3 dedicated group under,
can't remember how to get to it to sign up the EOS-3 specific group, just go
to the website and look around.  Pretty helpful bunch of people there too.

> I have a question about the exposure scales for the meter and flash unit
> that are visible in the viewfinder.  When you are using the flash unit, I
> was just wondering if my assumption is correct ( EOS 3 user
> here).  When shooting for correct exposure based on the meter, do both
> scales have to reflect that the picture will be correctly exposed?

The "other" exposure indication is for ambient lighting only, if you have an
under exposure indication in this scale, the background will be under
exposed even if you are within flash power range.

> I would try out the
>program mode that the scale for the flash was always dead on but it was
>difficult to get the other scale to register as the right exposure.

Same reason as above, and if you are using a slow consumer lens, it will
always be difficult to balance the foreground and background exposure.



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