Willem-Jan Markerink wrote:
> On 14 Sep 02 at 23:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am not quite sure I get it yet...so does that mean you can safely fine tune
> > the focus with the shutter button depressed halfway as long as the camera has
> > actively stopped focussing and is not in AI Servo mode, and is that what the
> > benefit of full time manual focus is all about?
> That's *one* benefit, one that Canon also promotes FTM with.
> Things get more interesting, ergonomically speaking, if you move
> AF-start to the rear thumb-button (CF4 on most cameras); that way AF
> becomes completely indepedant of AE/light-measuring and exposure.
> (light-measuring is then only coupled with the button-halfdown
> position, including AE-lock)

With these settings, you also have "AF on demand". Your (focus) setting is stored
until you change it (via AF or MF). 

> However, what's even more practical is *pre*-focus, instead of
> *after*-focus....that way you can cut down focus time significantly,
> while also preventing hunting for focus in low light/low contrast
> situations.

Yes, absolutely. It also helps to prefocus when you shoot very fast objects,
like e.g. racing cars. The camera locks on much quicker then after you press the 
AE-lock button.

Thomas Bantel
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