--- Conor Twomey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex,
> I shot R.E.M. during the summer in Ireland and I used my 70-200 F2.8
> IS
> along with an EOS 5 and loaded the camera with Fuji Provia 400 F
> rated at
> 800. We were allowed in the pit for 3 songs and then marched out.
> Michael
> Stipe was all over the place, you needed lightening reflexes. The
> band is
> usually on a much higher level than the photographers, so even though
> your
> really close you need the 70-200 and to step back to get the angle
> right. 
> Anyway it is a great adrenaline rush.
> One of my images I took can be seen here if your interested.
> http://www.conortwomey.com/portfolio/REM_03_33.shtml
> Kind Regards,
> Conor.

Thanks Conor, really impressive shot.
I already replied to Chip as you can see on the List to get idea what I
was talking about.
How would you evaluate usefullness of IS for such kind of stuff ?
What kind of metering do you imply for this job ?

I switched my EOS-3 for AF point linked spot metering and tried to
meter off the artist's face with +1 stop exp. comp. applied. I estimate
that should produce adequate results for a regular caucasian skin tone.

I'm familiar with the rules on such events, though in a few I did on
one I was alloed to shoot without timing limitation, though from behind
of the first audience area, on few others they didn't define a time
limits, but after about a half hours approached to me and asked to
Last time (the toughest shooting conditions I had so far on rock
performances), as I described in the reply to Chip, I had no any timing
limitaiton and spoke to the band prior to that event - they nad no
problems whatsoever shooting them any time, even allowed to use a
Flash is soemthing I hate to do for this kind of events even when
allowed - blasting into artist's eyes (allowing teh flash they themself
may not realize how harsh it can be until the first blast), and also
the rock concert mood is ruined by the flash.
Having said all that, the lighting what so badly horrible (well, I
could hardly expect soemthing better in local club), I initially though
just apologize and turn around, but yet decided to try myself.


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