At 11:02 AM -0800 2/23/06, Ken Durling wrote:
Anyone have personal experience comparing the 400/5.6L with the 100-400 IS at the long end in terms of critical sharpness? I'd expect the prime to be sharper, and have seen some soft images from the 100-400, but there are so many intervening factors that I'm not sure how to judge.



I've used quite a variety of 400's since the 60's. I tried the 400/5.6 against the 100-400, and while the 400 is definitely, but not hugely better, the IS on the 100-400 means that under most conditions I'll get better results with the 100-400. I got one right after it came out, and used it for a number of years on an EOS3 all over the world, including S.Africa, the Galapagos and in the Amazon basin. I dropped it and Canon never repaired it properly, so I have now replaced it. Both examples performed similarly.

There are sharper 400's, such as the 400/5.6 Nikkor from 1975 that I still have, and the 400/2.8 EF's, but unless you need the 2.8 speed the 100-400 is the most practical solution.

For digital use the 100-400 is even more of a good choice as post processing brings its performance even closer to that of the 400/5.6. If Canon came out with a 400/5.6 IS, I might reconsider.

   *            Henning J. Wulff
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