Jessops in the UK seem to have a pretty good deal on the 40D, so I now
have one to replace the 10D I was using.  Since I guess others may be
contemplating this move, some first thoughts.

It's very responsive, starts at once, focuses my 100-400 about twice as
fast, mirror much quicker.  6.5fps is pretty fast...  Fortunately you
can batch delete.  Playback is effectively instant, no more waiting for
the buffer to flush.  Viewfinder is better, though still rather a
porthole compared with my 100 film camera.  ISO display in viewfinder
means you can change it without lowering the camera.  AF start button
will be a real boon for sports.  Menu system remembers where you last
were within each submenu, making it easy to swap functions.  Live view
will be really fun: if you set the picture style to monochrome, that's
what the vast lcd displays, and if you do a depth of field preview, the
lens stops down but the lcd brightens back up, so you can actually see
what's in focus.

Gripes: still has the toy auto-depth mode, rather than the proper depth
mode that helped me to decide to buy EOS to start with.  Why it can't be
at least switchable on a custom function, I can't imagine.  Auto-ISO is
a bit pointless, in any of the 'creative' modes, which is all that I
ever use, it just ranges from 400-800.  Would have been nice to have
that programmable.  And the switch for the quick control dial is
integrated with the main power switch, so you have two clicks to switch
on.  Why is there a switch for the quick control anyhow?  Does anyone
routinely switch it off?  Why?

Off to take some pictures.


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