That doesn't surprise me. The computer business is
filled with ultra scarce quasi-experimental gadgets
that never got past the beta testing phase. There's
even a collector's market now. 

I have a tandy 200 a nec cpm notebook a pair of apollo
dn300s, some old 8 inch priam and micropolis drives, a
truckload of old apple 2 and mac stuff  and a genuine
AT&T Unix PC. All were inmensley poplular at the time
they were made. The only scarce thing I have is an
Italian made Infotronic Tiga card.

Most of this stuff doesn't get collected because ity
ain't collectible. But so much of itr gets junked that
what's left usually is. 

Try finding an Apollo DN590 Turbo wiuth a 24 bit
graphics board! How about a DN10K or a Pyramid cube! 


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  
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