--- Steve Parrott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My last two weddings I have noticed some slightly out of focus shots 
> for no reason that I could understand. Using flash, fast enough shutter 
> speed, it just made no sense to me. I use a 1Ds with 24 - 70L lens. 
> Well, in testing today to try to recreate the problem, I finally 
> realized what I have been doing. While adjusting the zoom ring with my 
> left hand, my index finger naturally rests on the bottom of the FOCUS 
> ring. While test shooting today I felt the slight turn of the ridged 
> focus ring with my index finger after the auto focus had already set. 
> So *I* have been causing the focus problem. It is almost impossible for 
> me to use the lens without my finger brushing against that damn focus 
> ring, but I will just have to train myself to STAY AWAY FROM IT. Sure 
> wish Canon would provide some type of lock to prevent accidental manual 
> adjustment of focus.
> Steve
> living and learning
Yes, I too have that dreadful habit. I'd rely on FTM, but at my age, and with 
my eyes just far
enough out of whack to now require Auto Focus in my life, I will now have to 
retrain MY hands to
stay away from the focus ring... old habits ARE hard to break. Let me know if 
you come up with a
better solution. I agree, it would be grand if there were a "safety" lock on 
the focus function.

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