On Fri, 2014-03-14 at 05:55 +0000, Zhiwei Zhu wrote:
> It seems there is some kind of intersection between epel and pip. Take
> TurboGears for example. epel7 does provide the rpm of TurboGears but
> doesn’t guarantee it could be installed

I'm pretty sure repoclosure issues are considered bugs.

Most likely, you are seeing missing deps because EL 7 is not out yet,
and as such most stuff hasn't been built yet in EPEL properly.

> I thought all the rpms on epel were supposed to be able to be
> installed, but I might be wrong.

There is no point in providing an RPM which can't be installed, so it
can only be a bug, which can be resolved by either removing the
uninstallable rpm or building the missing dependencies.

Please, do report the bug.


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