On 09/11/2014 12:31 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>>> Alternatively, is cloud-init an actual shipped RH package that
>>> should be excluded/blacklisted from epel?
>> its certainly used in the RHEL image
> Odd. I am not seeing it in any of the normal channels... 
> at least not by that name. 

its in the rhel guest agents, and therefore should be in there somewhere
- but I agree, its either hard to find or just not there. In previous
releases they did the RHCOMMON channel thing, not sure if thats the
intention here as well.

> Anyhow, How about we try and get the same pool of people maintaining
> both the EPEL one and the CentOS one? Then they might be more easily be
> able to keep them in sync. Perhaps we can start an email dialog on
> that... 

that would work. There is the whole fundamental issue to then work
through as to how far the epel branch's can diverge from the fedora
codebase ? Secondly, could we find a mechanism that takes this model and
applies it across the board on both sides.

that would also make it easier for this use case : Some of the SIG's
might end up needing to carry the epel configs, not just the -release
rpm, but the yum config, enabled already, in their own release files to
satisfy deps.

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
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