Physics: By Beauty it is beautiful.
After reading book ‘Albert Einstein’ by Leopold Infeld.
Page 4.
‘ Many believe that relative theory tells us that ours
 is a kind of Alice-in-Wonderland universe; . . . .‘
‘ How, then, did the prejudice about the mysterious relative
Alice-in-Wonderland universe arise?’
I will try to give my brief remark about this situation.
In the 19th century  aether /ether  was the term used to
describe a medium for the propagation of quantum of light
(electromagnetic waves ).
This aether had strange chracteristic.
On one hand it must be very thin, because the planets
 move through it without resistence.
On the other hand  it must be very hard, because quantum
 of light is a transverse wave. And a transverse wave can
 move only in a hard space. It was created many theories
to explain this paradox but without success.
In 1887 the Michelson-Morley experiment
showed that the speed of quantum of light is constant in all
directions regardless of the motion of the source.
This experiment was interpreted as ’ether doesn’t exist’.
In 1905, Albert Einstein resolved this paradox by revising the
 Galilean model of space and time to account for the constancy
 of the speed of light. Einstein formulated his ideas in his
 special theory of relativity, which advanced humankind's
 understanding of space and time.
     /  The special theory of relativity
In 1908  Herman Minkowski explained Einstein’s
 idea  using time as forth dimension and said:
 ‘ Henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself,
are doomed to fade away into mere shadows,
 and only a kind of union of the two will preserve
an independent reality.’
So, ‘ How, then, did the prejudice about the mysterious
 relative Alice-in-Wonderland universe arise?’
My opinion.
On the page 5 Infeld  wrote:
‘ Science is a rational structure; the greatest pleasure
in studying is that of understanding. Without it
knowledge means little.’

Very well. But if the ‘ Science is a rational structure’
 then where is the Minkowski (-4D ) in nature, where
 is the  ‘only a kind of union of the two’ ?
Nobody knows where it is.
So, what is about a rational structure?
So, what is about a real structure, real nature?
I don’t mean to criticize.
I only cannot understand why the trick of changing
concept of ether on the concept of space-time was passed
 without doubt, with glory and proud.
Maybe the reason of (-4D) long live is it
mathematical beauty ?
Page 45.
‘Minkowski mathematical genius put Einstein’s ideas
 into a new geometrical form that fully revealed their
beauty and simplicity.’

But is it correct to say, that these two parameters real enough
 to explain and understand the real nature?
About 2500 years ago, according to Plato,  Socrates said:
‘ I do not go so far as to insist upon the precise details;
only upon the fact that it is by Beauty that beautiful
things are beautiful.’

This is exactly that physicists are doing.
And as a result, going in such beautiful mathematical
 way we have many  paradoxes in physics.

Without the precise physical details, like: volume (V ),
temperature (T )  and density ( P) the Minkowski
beautiful and simple (-4D)  is a pure mathematical game,
 it is an abstraction.
All the best.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus

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