Some other salient points I forgot to mention

1. The "everso righteous" trick cyclist Dr. who so desires to own my life at this time, has never even been to the place that he would desire to send me should I not conform. I do not think he would appreciate it much if the boot was on the other foot. One of the first rules of SSADM is to understand entirely the system you work for from the grass roots up, i.e from a patients perspective.

2. If the pub manager wants to bar me just because my voice is wanting to be heard then he should realise that my voice was corrupted (No not through smoking), after a pointless gastroscopy procedure.

3. Why was I being questioned by the social worker, doctor and my care co-ordinator about my standing on politics?? what has that got to do with my mental health?

4.  please hurry up and get me out of here

Om Ah Hum Om Ah Hum Om Ah hum

-----Original Message----- From: Serenity Smiles
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [epistemology 11905] Re: SRT: The Essence., what is mental health

Re B.O.D.I.C.E.A

Yes, I am Bodicea alright, lied to by the mental health team all week long,
changing the goalposts as and when it suits them, which is very unnerving
when you cannot believe or have faith in your Dr. when you are told one
thing is going to happen and something completely different arises. just
swallow another one of their shite tablets or be sectioned.  I am more
concerned about my "tear gassed" eye at the moment and yes, all men are
still liars as is evident to me.  Having "justifiable anger" at the misery
they have created and buying into malicious lies
when they cannot be truthful is downright disgusting.  If they kill my eye I
have worked so hard to get for the benefit of all sentient beings I will
want to die. If I say I am happy then they say I am too high, if I say I am
unhappy then I am too low.  They say it is bi-polar which is crap as we all
know because it was evident to me in the first place.  I am not bi-polar,
not psychotic nor a motivational just pissed off at such crap.  If I lived
in a place of enlightened individuals none of this would be an issue.  What
is it us women would say oh yes "it is all bollocks"

Love and prayers and up the system

-----Original Message----- From: Serenity Smiles
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [epistemology 11905] Re: SRT: The Essence., what is mental

Yes, it is true that wine was manufactured, created by human intervention
but cannabis sativa was a natural evolved substance, and a herbal remedy for
the "blues".  I would like my medicine Buddha today please.  I know how to
look after "myself" have never stolen, hurt anyone, or done anything as bad
as the self-evident ""System".  For the benefit of all sentient beings, with
love and prayers

SRT: The Essence.

Einstein wrote that as a boy 15 -16 years old:
‘ I wonder what would happen to light if I were
moving right along with it at the speed of light.’ (c=1)
From this perspective and after 10 years of hard work
he published his SRT.
So, Einstein flew at the speed c=1 and around him flew
many other light quanta. No other particles were around.
Only the light quanta were around at the speed c=1.
And Einstein saw that they can change not only all their
parameters but the surround region too, according to
Lorentz transformations.
Therefore I say:
SRT is a special theory only for the Quantum of Light.
SRT explains the behavior of the Quantum of Light.
Best wishes.
Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus.

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