The Least Action Consistent Stable Universe and the Mathematics
Modified June 6, 2009, Reviewed March 15, 2011
John Lawrence Reed, Jr.
Section 8

johnreed Take 23 - Dark Matter
August 8, 2007 Modified 2009

The disparity in the measure of mass in distant galaxies, has caused
us to propose a type of matter called the dark-matter. "Today most
astronomers and physicists believe that this is the right answer to
the puzzle. There is missing matter, which is actually there but which
we don't see. This mysterious missing matter is referred to as the
dark matter. The dark-matter hypothesis is preferred mostly because
the only other possibility --- that we are wrong about Newton's laws,
and by extension general relativity --- is too scary to contemplate."
Quote taken from "The Trouble With Physics", 2005, Lee Smolin, PhD

In the post "johnreed Take 5.1" I briefly introduced a notion for
electromagnetic, star formation mechanics, that I call constructive,
electromagnetic fusion. The thrust of this idea is that under the
extreme conditions of pressure that are believed to exist within star
forming galactic clouds, the electromagnetic properties of the
relentlessly compressed atoms control[1], such that the internal
atomic electromagnetic structure of each atom is aligned in the most
efficient manner to preserve atomic integrity. Externally each atom
shifts position, maximizing the efficiency of the stable internal
structure. As the pressure continues to increase, the range of the
efficiently ordered internal electromagnetic atomic fields extend
beyond the physical limit of each atom, and as the atomic matter
continues to compress, the aligned fields inside and outside the atom
ultimately "constructively" join [1]. A collapse of the cloud core
ensues, as the join of many electromagnetically optimized atoms, into
one (or perhaps several) superatom(s), [2], releases the less
efficiently used, individual atomic, occupied space. The collapsed
cloud core takes with it a surface covering of primarily, non-super
condensed internal galactic cloud matter. This covering may include
attendant, partially "efficient" condensed matter, that we see today
as sun spots [3].

A shock wave results from this process such that much of the surface
covering of the collapsed star core is blown away in (nearly) all
directions in space. Much of this debris ultimately returns to the
newly formed star, while much of it returns to the spatial location
consistent with its origin, now far outside the surface of the
collapsed cloud core, and passes around the star to be thrown into a
distant star space orbit. The controlling process here is super-
electromagnetic rather than gravitational (See johnreed Take 25).

The creation of any or all atomic elements during the compression
process may occur prior to the collapse and control of the most
efficiently constructed atoms.

Super radio electromagnetic current, and plasma polar arcs may extend
from the collapsed cloud core and ultimately join near the plane of
the ecliptic to complete a circuit. These polar arcs travel around the
newly collapsed star to focus the formation of the inner planets along
the plane of the ecliptic.

>From my rough guesstimates, based on the average diameter of atoms and
nuclei, and on a varying diameter for the sun, such a collapse could
free up at mimimum, 96% of the space previously occupied by the
individual atoms.  Again by similar calculations, this could
encompass a volume that extends minimally to the outermost terrestrial
planets. This process replaces neutron stars, and blackholes. It also
nicely incorporates all the exotic cosmology items we have so far
observed, that I am aware of.

The matter that we don't see (measure), and call dark or non-
illuminating, or reflecting matter is, accounted for in part (or in
full), by the super condensed “randamajor” matter inside the star
cores [4]. The reason we do not detect any gravitational signature
here, is due to the same reason we cannot detect the so called
gravitational waves. Gravitational waves do not exist.

Point like radio sources in the cosmos are called quasars and
blazars.  Their spectra could not be connected to any known element.
In 1963 Maarsten Schmidt recognized that the spectra was similar to
the spectra of hydrogen but shifted by an enormous amount toward the
red end of the spectrum.  This was the largest red shift ever found
and was  interpreted in the usual Doppler fashion, based on our
sensory detection mechanism. Quasars are thought to have formed in the
early days of the Big Bang and to have at their centers our
subjectively derived gravitationally caused black hole.

Consider my proposed atomic structure (see take 25) and the formation
of stars. Where a constructive  electromagnetic fusion process occurs
on the order of:  [o+o=O] rather than [o+o=2o].  In other words the
cores of stars do not collapse under gravitational force but rather,
join in a counteraction to relentless pressure, in a fusion process,
and collapse as one giant space optimized atom whose spectra is
shifted by size into the red.  This core then acts in a manner similar
to the theoretical activity attributed to black holes.

(1) I think that the primary principle involved here can be studied in
the laboratory at Einstein-Bose condensate temperatures. See "johnreed
Take 15" and supplemental post and “johnreed take 25). For example the
use of differing amounts of a pure substance to determine its effect
on the resultant condensate might provide constraints on the number of
atoms contiguously condensed. If such constraints exist, within our
ability to measure, it would tend to falsify my cosmological premise
for a single super-atom. However, it would still support my proposed
atomic structure and a multiple superatom star core. A condensate from
iron might display a retention time as the temperature is raised due
to the efficiency of its atomic structure.
(2) This concept conceptually, cannot be readily assimilated within
the mathematical models used to describe our "particle equilibrium"
view of atomic structure. However it falls out as a logical
consequence of the "johnreed Take 6" view, which ultimately reduces to
a field view, built not from particles, but from physically
"interlocked threads" of electromagnetic radiation (consider tired
light, as monopoles or dipoles, or both), independent of any
background other than (perhaps) the absence (attenuation) of the
electromagnetic field itself.
(3) The name I have given to this proposed new state of matter is the
"randamajor". For the sake of communication however, I have called it
a super dynamo and super atom, in past posts. Such an electromagnetic,
constructive fusion process, is predicted to ultimately result in a
reasonably stable, possibly contiguous star core, mirroring the atomic
structure of iron. The atomic structure it is based on predicts that
electric current passes through the center of the atom (see Takes 6
and 15). I call that atomic structure the "randaminor".

The reader might initially view this proposal with incredulity. A
super atom indeed!  If so, she/he will then experience the response I
had on first learning of our gravitationally predicted "blackhole".
Laughable but for our deeply ingrained a priori notion for mass
generated gravity. And on the face, a reductio ad absurdem argument
against the idea for mass generated gravity. However it was not the
problem I had with blackholes that led me to electromagnetic
constructive fusion. The elimination of the blackhole was a collateral
benefit. The randamajor "fell" out of the randaminor. The Einstein-
Bose Condensate may be a laboratory example.

Unfortunately the entire construct required that I address Newtonian
gravitation in the same manner I had to eventually address atomic
structure. Essentially from scratch (See johnreed Catch 22 and 1st
addendum to same), while remaining consistent with the experimental

(4) This idea will bear also on the variable mathematical tool called
the cosmological constant, dark energy and the expansion of the
universe, but I would tread lightly in that area. My recent posts on
the falsity of mass generated gravity, eliminate outright the central
idea for a big bang. While the Doppler interpreted evidence for an
expanding universe supports the notion for a big bang, its supporting
data exists independently. Even so, I believe that, those  data will
eventually be explained differently. For  example: it is clear that
each star emits electromagnetic radiation. Therefore each star is
expanding on that basis alone, while its core is contracting.
Additionally the red shifted light may be the consequence of the
randamajor star core.

(5) I began my quest seeking to conceptually explain atomic structure
physics. I held similar beliefs as do some of  the string theorists,
ten years before they existed, in that they believe that finding a
mathematical model that fits all contingencies of the 'current'
paradigm, would surely have to be the correct model, however
contrived, and however many dimensions and massaging constants it
contained. Using the least action consistent mathematics in a least
action consistent universe, this notion is on the face, absurd. I took
this notion a step further, early on. I believed that if I found a
coherent conceptual explanation for all the diverse phenomena and the
anomalies, it would certainly be a good argument. It turned out to be
an argument where the mathematical model falls out as a logical
consequence of the (also as it turned out), revised conceptual model.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Have a good time.

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