lonni,  god does not exist in formlessness ?

Serenity Smiles wrote:
> GOD is still conceptualised thought only existent in form created from 
> emptiness
> From: Lonnie Clay
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:25 AM
> To: epistemology@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [epistemology 11971] Re: our current system or $
> GOD knows no boundaries. GOD is limitlessly expanding. GOD's rate of 
> expansion is constantly increasing miraculously due to the huge number of 
> derivatives of velocity, acceleration, etc in GOD's rate of expansion. GOD 
> has achieved victory! Religion on the other hand is a fool's game. If there 
> is not a burst of pleasure at these statements, then I do not know what to 
> say!
> Lonnie Courtney Clay
> On Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:47:36 PM UTC-7, the taoist shaman wrote:
>   what do u think of religion / god
>   nominal9 wrote:
>   > Hi TS....
>   > Don't get too involved in the links, if they bore or just confound
>   > you... it's something that anyone has to build up to, and you have to
>   > have an interest in the subjects...Anyway, as to Mind's Eye.... a
>   > fellow-friend of mine was from this Group... Chaz... was banned from
>   > Mind's Eye and although they didn't ban me... I left their group ,
>   > then and there... I have this "thing" about censorship.... despise
>   > it...
>   > Anyway. nice making your acquaintance, anytime that you want to
>   > discuss any topic,  I'd be glad to talk with you... I like politics a
>   > lot myself, and we appear to have the same "leanings"..... let's say
>   > NOT RIGHT WING.....
>   > nominal9
>   >
>   > On Apr 27, 1:42 am, the taoist shaman <brya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   > > damn rigs was off hey lee
>   > >
>   > > the taoist shaman wrote:
>   > > > u seem like ur Not a dumb F , ill take the time to read the links u
>   > > > previously sent , the people of minds eye r children who love to
>   > > > hate , i tend to lean to the 2nd intention but realize it hase
>   > > > limitations , if not u end up w/ people like the kkk . my 2nt
>   > > > intention is more focused on nature in relation to society and
>   > > > personal relation as well as philosophy and religion , ---   does the
>   > > > name riggs ring a bell for you ?
>   > >
>   > > > ~
>   > >
>   > > > nominal9 wrote:
>   > > > > reliying on logic can be dangerous , things are unpridictable , to
>   > > > > know is delusion , to not know is ignorance / TS
>   > >
>   > > > > I agree... Empiricism is at the root of, at least, Realism and
>   > > > > Nominalism....
>   > >
>   > > > > Idealism and Phenomeology tend more toward "logic"... although there
>   > > > > really isn't much sense to most of their so-called "logic"...
>   > >
>   > > > > W. of Ockham is probably best appreciated by me for FIRST making 
> "the"
>   > > > > distinction between  the way the self-conscious mind understands
>   > > > > "reality" either through  FIRST INTENTION or subsequently through
>   > > > >http://dictionary.die.net/first%20intention
>   > >
>   > > > > 5. (Logic) Any mental apprehension of an object.
>   > >
>   > > > >    First intention (Logic), a conception of a thing formed by
>   > > > >       the first or direct application of the mind to the
>   > > > >       individual object; an idea or image; as, man, stone.
>   > >
>   > > > >    Second intention (Logic), a conception generalized from
>   > > > >       first intuition or apprehension already formed by the
>   > > > >       mind; an abstract notion; especially, a classified notion,
>   > > > >       as species, genus, whiteness.
>   > >
>   > > > > Anyway... FIRST INTENTION operates on what Ockham calls "intuition"
>   > > > > but nowadays is better understood as "Empirical Examination"... or
>   > > > > maybe direct "Factual Experimentation" on something... like 
> dissecting
>   > > > > a frog... or putting some bit of matter stuff through a mass
>   > > > > specrtometer.... etc. that is to say... the conscious mind 
> considers a
>   > > > > single and specific factual "thing"....or maybe even a mental thing,
>   > > > > off sorts, like the feeling of an emotion....but mental 
> considerations
>   > > > > are mostly of the other sort... below
>   > >
>   > > > > SECOND INTENTION, according to Ockham, is when the conscious mind
>   > > > > thinks about all sorts of things in its memory and starts making
>   > > > > possible connections of all sorts between them... the more common 
> ones
>   > > > > are like one man as distinguished from the generalized notion of all
>   > > > > men....Jim for example is different from Tom.... but they are alike 
> in
>   > > > > at least some ways... they are both (or all) "men....the distinction
>   > > > > between the individual... the species and the genus... etc. but also
>   > > > > consider other sorts of "abstract" thinking... like numbers and  
> doing
>   > > > > math... etc....
>   > >
>   > > > > Anyway.... Ockham though this up... this separation between direct
>   > > > > empirical experience and abstracted "'thought"  constructions....
>   > >
>   > > > > Pretty fundamental stuff.... and really revolutionary, I think.....
>   > > > > but try to tell it to the strict Realists, Idealists or especially 
> the
>   > > > > Phenomenologists....  they either don't get it.... or don't WANT to
>   > > > > get it....
>   > >
>   > > > > ignorance... sure is possible even for Nominalists.... sometimes the
>   > > > > specific  conscious mind either doesn't have the "brains" to come up
>   > > > > with the right idea... or sometimes the "thing" just can't be
>   > > > > experimented on in the right way to understand it.... Pretty much a
>   > > > > state of constant agnostiicism (Don't- Know- Itedness)....But with
>   > > > > time and more brains and progress working at it....  more "stuff" if
>   > > > > learned about more and more things....
>   > >
>   > > > > PS... most of the "techie" guys around here don't know crap about 
> this
>   > > > > stuff, either....HAR
>   > >
>   > > > > On Apr 20, 10:13 am, the taoist shaman <brya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   > > > > > reliying on logic can be dangerous , things are unpridictable , to
>   > > > > > know is delusion , to not know is ignorance
>   > >
>   > > > > > nominal9 wrote:
>   > > > > > > Hi TS... nice to make your acquaintance....I guess you just 
> don't have
>   > > > > > > the interest, now.... but if you ever do, I suggest that you 
> try some
>   > > > > > > of the "classical" so-called philosophers... instead of taoist 
> shamans
>   > > > > > > or metaphysical quasi-religious sorts , like buddhists or
>   > > > > > > tanscendentalists and such as a way toward understanding 
> things...
>   > > > > > > folks like Plato ( beginning Idealism) or Aristotle (beginning
>   > > > > > > Realism) or Kant (beginning Phenomenology)  or W.of  Ockham 
> (beginning
>   > > > > > > Nominalism) ... then you can go to the ones (other 
> philosophers)  who
>   > > > > > > took the original threads and carried them on in different
>   > > > > > > ways....Anyway, my own very general way of understanding it is 
> that
>   > > > > > > there's a basic division in Reality and a thinking being's
>   > > > > > > understanding of it... a sort of interplay between the thinking 
> brain
>   > > > > > > and the outside world it tries to understand (alog with self-
>   > > > > > > consciously understanding itself, of course)... the difference 
> is
>   > > > > > > basically one between the Idea and the Thing... otherwise put 
> as the
>   > > > > > > Concept and the Reference...Mind and Matter
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Idealists think that both the Idea and the Thing are subjective,
>   > > > > > > entirely dependent on what the self-conscious brain ultimately 
> thinks"
>   > > > > > > they (Concept and Reference) are... SUBJECTIVE
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Realists think that both the Idea and the Thing are objective,
>   > > > > > > entirely dependent on what the Thing forces the self-conscious 
> brain
>   > > > > > > to understand about them (Concept and Reference)... OBJECTIVE
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Nominalists think that there's a split in the way the 
> self-conscious
>   > > > > > > brain and the outside reality operate....The self -conscious 
> brain
>   > > > > > > operates subjectively as to its own Ideas (or Concept) but the 
> Thing
>   > > > > > > is completely separated or foreign from the self-conscious 
> brain and
>   > > > > > > the Thing  (or Reference) is itself objectively controlled by 
> its own
>   > > > > > > ways and means of being and operation... SUBJECTIVE / OBJECTIVE
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Phenomenologists also think that there's a split  in the way 
> the self-
>   > > > > > > conscious brain and the outside reality operate... but
>   > > > > > > Phenomenologists posit that the self-conscious brain operates
>   > > > > > > objectively and that the self conscious brain contains a 
> perfect Idea
>   > > > > > > (or Concept) of what the Template or  "Essence" of all outside 
> reality
>   > > > > > > Things should be... the outside reality Things then become mere
>   > > > > > > subjective or imperfect manifestations of those perfect
>   > > > > > > Essences.....OBJECTIVE / SUBJECTIVE
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Now, my guess is that as a self-described taoist shaman.... you 
> might
>   > > > > > > tend toward the Phenomenological view of ideas and things....
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Whereas myself, I am a Nominalist leaning Person when it come 
> to my
>   > > > > > > view of ideas and things...
>   > >
>   > > > > > > Can You see that you and I would tend to think just the 
> opposite at a
>   > > > > > > very fundamental level?
>   > >
>   > > > > > > nominal9
>   > >
>   > > > > > > On Apr 13, 5:11 pm, the taoist shaman <brya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   > > > > > > > thats way too much reading , and very confusing , im not 
> familiar w/
>   > > > > > > > proper terms  , am i a realist or a dreamer i think was the 
> subject of
>   > > > > > > > the reading , but i only skimmed it so , ? all dreamers see 
> themselves
>   > > > > > > > as realist or the dream would be dead. i am a defeated 
> dreamer , like
>   > > > > > > > the living dead u know !
>   > >
>   > > > > > > > nominal9 wrote:
>   > > > > > > > > Ever Hear of William of Ockham.... Nominalism... more as an 
> "empirical
>   > > > > > > > > way" to think rather that as the opinions that you or 
> anyone should
>   > > > > > > > > hold....?
>   > > > > > > > >http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ockham/
>   > > > > > > > >http://plato.stanford.edu/search/searcher.py?query=Nominalism
>   > > > > > > > >http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nominalism-metaphysics/
>   > > > > > > > >http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/realism/
>   > >
>   > > > > > > > > Idealism... Realism.... Phenomenology...Nominalism
>   > >
>   > > > > > > > > Anyway... there's a lot of them... after a while... others 
> (and after
>   > > > > > > > > them me too) started to see "patterns" or threads between 
> them and
>   > > > > > > > > thought that most "philosophies" fall under one of the 
> above broad
>   > > > > > > > > headings.... and that they differ
>   > > > > > > > > logically one heading from the nextr.... anyway, I chose
>   > > > > > > > > nominalism.... you may want to consider decidiing or trying 
> to
>   > > > > > > > > understand which one you yourself prefer....I was about 
> your age when
>   > > > > > > > > I tried to make my choice decision judgment....
>   > >
>   > > > > > > > > Mind's Eye....
>   > > > > > > > > THAR be Censors THAR....
>   > > > > > > > > Censors Be folks who thinks they knows it All...  when they 
> really
>   > > > > > > > > don't know shit...
>   > > > > > > > >  It's important to know shit, at least. HAR....
>   > >
>   > > > > > > > > On Mar 30, 6:54 pm, the taoist shaman <brya...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>   > > > > > > > > > how long before all the welth is held by a small group , 
> and what
>   > > > > > > > > > happens to the rest of us ? is there a way to stop the 
> storm on the
>   > > > > > > > > > horizon , or is there no storm at all ?
> --
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