is a link to an outline of 2T

On May 15, 10:06 pm, archytas <> wrote:
> Interesting Soc - yet my own senses are dulled by tropical fish
> realism - I find my science little informed by philosophy.  I wonder
> what topology we try to grasp to free ourselves from constraint to
> this planet and the speed of light in statistically empty space.
> There is a physics of two kinds of time - a rather Platonic view of us
> living in the shadows.
> On May 3, 6:25 pm, sadovnik socratus <> wrote:
> > Occam's Razor and the conception of  ‘Time’.
> > ( According to SRT , QED and GRT. )
> > =====..
> > 1.
> > In his Miracle 1905 Einstein wrote the paper:
> > “ On the Electrodynamics of moving Bodies.” ( SRT).
> > He wrote about moving of  ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ (!)
> > It means he wrote about quantum of light, electron. (!)
> > This movement is going in minus 4D continuum.
> > Only quantum of light can move with speed c=1 and in this
> >  movement his Time is infinite.
> > Then the minus 4D continuum must be infinite too.(!)
> > Later the theory says that something happens and photon’s
> > Infinite Time changes to a relative according to the Lorentz
> >  transformations.
> > 2.
> > According to QED when electron interacts with Vacuum
> >  all his physical parameters become infinite.
> >  But he cannot die. This is forbidden by
> > ‘ The law of conservation and transformation  energy/mass‘.
> >  How is possible to understand this situation?
> >  It can only mean that electron’s own Time becomes infinite too.
> > So, it is possible that before he had an another Time.
> > If all electron’s physical parameters become infinite it means
> >  that vacuum must be infinite too. (!)
> > If minus 4D continuum and Vacuum are both infinite then,
> > maybe, they are both one and the same reference frame. (!)
> > ==.
> > My conclusion:
> > All ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ have two kinds of Time:
> > Infinite and relative.
> > P.S.
> > In 1915 Einstein wrote GRT.
> > According to GRT the Time depends on gravity mass and gravity speed.
> > Every planet says that this fact is true.
> > =========.
> > Israel Socratus.
> > =========..

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