Now that most of the lurkers have gone away due to their disgust at being 
lectured by an insane person, I'll get back to the question :
"My epistemological question is this - what do we know about knowing they 
don't?  What is our procedural epistemology - if we don't have one, are we 
just smug not-quite so lackwits?"

1) Before you do ANYTHING else, exercise your sense of caution and your 
ability to detect warning signs from others. If you fail to complete this 
step properly, then you WILL find yourself either in jail or an insane 
asylum, or worse yet in a hospital or dead. Due to a peculiarity of American 
law, I chose the label of insane so that I would always in a court of law be 
found "not guilty due to insanity."

2) Now exercise your senses of humor, deception, and egotism. Strongly 
RESIST your impulse to "tell it like it is" and "set the record straight". 
Both of those just lead to trouble. "Keep it to yourself" because "loose 
lips sink ships". While you are at it, completely sever the ingrained 
conditioning which you received as a child which reveals your thoughts 
through body language. You will be needing a dead-pan or false expression a 
great deal in the future, otherwise your PAN will be dead and piping no 
more. Keep your ego under control. Adopt a supercilious inner self who says 
"Who cares WHAT you think! I know better!" Boost your ego by keeping silent 
regarding the myriad flaws of those around you, scoring points for 
observations, and giving yourself extra credit for not trying to run 
roughshod over dimwits. Learn to laugh at yourself as well as others, for 
being so afraid that you keep thoughts pinioned like a rat in a steel trap.

Congratulations! You are now (if instructions were followed) certified 
Paranoid! Possibly with a bonus of Megalomaniac...

time to post again...

Lonnie Courtney Clay

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