So how many newspaper, radio, television, and movie companies does George 
Soros control?

Lonnie Courtney Clay

On Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:15:39 AM UTC-7, nominal9 wrote:
> PS... Speaking of papers and news and such.... did you hear about this 
> story?
> I'm guessing "someone" HARaround here might like it.... but it scares the 
> bejeesus out of me.....What is it with the likes of Rupert and now these 
> guys.... do they think that if they buy the "brand-name" they automatically 
> get to give their contrary views that earned  "stature"?.....If they want 
> to spread their conservative views they should found their own independent 
> papers... like, say, the Podunk Pundit.... or the Kalamazoo Krackpot... or 
> the Tuscaloosa Goose-a....HAR.....
> Conservative Koch Brothers Turning Focus to Newspapers 
>  Tannen Maury/European Pressphoto Agency
> Tribune’s newspapers, including The Chicago Tribune, have caught the 
> interest of a number of suitors. 
>  By AMY 
>  Published: 
> April 20, 2013 728 
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>   Three years ago, Charles and David Koch, the billionaire industrialists 
> and supporters of libertarian causes, held a seminar of like-minded, 
> wealthy political donors at the St. Regis Resort in Aspen, Colo. They laid 
> out a three-pronged, 10-year strategy to shift the country toward a smaller 
> government with less regulation and taxes. 
>   Enlarge This Image
>    Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images 
> The Los Angeles Times is the fourth-largest paper in the country. 
>   Enlarge This Image
>    Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters 
> David H. Koch 
>   Enlarge This Image
>    Mike Burley/Topeka Capital-Journal via Associated Press 
> Charles G. Koch 
>   Enlarge This Image
>    Monica Almeida/The New York Times 
> Eli Broad 
>   Enlarge This Image
>    Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times 
> Ronald W. Burkle 
>   Enlarge This Image
>    Danny Moloshok/Reuters 
> Rupert Murdoch 
>  Readers’ Comments
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> »<>
>  The first two pieces of the strategy — educating grass-roots activists 
> and influencing politics — were not surprising, given the money they have 
> given to policy institutes and political action groups. But the third one 
> was: media. 
> Other than financing a few fringe libertarian publications, the Kochs have 
> mostly avoided media investments. Now, Koch Industries, the sprawling 
> private company of which Charles G. 
> Koch<>serves
>  as chairman and chief executive, is exploring a bid to buy the Tribune 
> Company<>’s
> eight regional newspapers, including The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago 
> Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, The Orlando Sentinel and The Hartford Courant. 
> By early May, the Tribune Company is expected to send financial data to 
> serious suitors in what will be among the largest sales of newspapers by 
> circulation in the country. Koch Industries is among those interested, said 
> several people with direct knowledge of the sale who spoke on the condition 
> they not be named. Tribune emerged from bankruptcy on Dec. 31 and has hired 
> JPMorgan Chase and Evercore Partners to sell its print properties. 
> The papers, valued at roughly $623 million, would be a financially 
> diminutive deal for Koch Industries, the energy and manufacturing 
> conglomerate based in Wichita, Kan., with annual revenue of about $115 
> billion. 
> Politically, however, the papers could serve as a broader platform for the 
> Kochs’ laissez-faire ideas. The Los Angeles Times is the fourth-largest 
> paper in the country, and The Tribune is No. 9, and others are in several 
> battleground states, including two of the largest newspapers in Florida, 
> The Orlando Sentinel and The Sun Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale. A deal could 
> include Hoy, the second-largest Spanish-language daily newspaper, which 
> speaks to the pivotal Hispanic demographic. 
> One person who attended the Aspen seminar who spoke on the condition of 
> anonymity described the strategy as follows: “It was never ‘How do we 
> destroy the other side?’ ” 
> “It was ‘How do we make sure our voice is being heard?’ ” 
> Guests at the Aspen seminar included Philip F. Anschutz, the Republican 
> oil mogul who owns the companies that publish The Washington Examiner, The 
> Oklahoman and The Weekly Standard, and the hedge fund executive Paul E. 
> Singer, who sits on the board of the political magazine Commentary. 
> Attendees were asked not to discuss details about the seminar with the 
> press. 
> A person who has attended other Koch Industries seminars, which have taken 
> place since 2003, says Charles and David Koch have never said they want to 
> take over newspapers or other large media outlets, but they often say “they 
> see the conservative voice as not being well represented.” The Kochs plan 
> to host another conference at the end of the month, in Palm Springs, Calif. 
> At this early stage, the thinking inside the Tribune Company, the people 
> close to the deal said, is that Koch Industries could prove the most 
> appealing buyer. Others interested, including a group of wealthy Los 
> Angeles residents led by the billionaire Eli 
> Broad<>and
>  Ronald W. Burkle, both prominent Democratic donors, and Rupert 
> Murdoch’s News Corporation, would prefer to buy only The Los Angeles Times. 
> The Tribune Company has signaled it prefers to sell all eight papers and 
> their back-office operations as a bundle. (Tribune, a $7 billion media 
> company that also owns 23 television stations, could also decide to keep 
> the papers if they do not attract a high enough offer.) 
> Koch Industries is one of the largest sponsors of libertarian causes — 
> including the financing of policy groups like the Cato Institute in 
> Washington and the formation of Americans for Prosperity, the political 
> action group that helped galvanize Tea 
> Party<>organizations
>  and their causes. The company has said it has no direct link 
> to the Tea Party. 
> This month a Koch representative contacted Eddy W. Hartenstein, publisher 
> and chief executive of The Los Angeles Times, to discuss a bid, according 
> to a person briefed on the conversation who spoke on the condition of 
> anonymity because the conversation was private. Mr. Hartenstein declined to 
> comment. 
> Koch Industries recently brought on Angela Redding, a consultant based in 
> Salt Lake City, to analyze the media environment and assess opportunities. 
> Ms. Redding, who previously worked at the Charles G. Koch Charitable 
> Foundation, did not respond to requests for comment. 
> “As an entrepreneurial company with 60,000 employees around the world, we 
> are constantly exploring profitable opportunities in many industries and 
> sectors. So, it is natural that our name would come up in connection with 
> this rumor,” Melissa Cohlmia, a spokeswoman for Koch Companies Public 
> Sector, said in a statement last month. 
> “We respect the independence of the journalistic institutions referenced 
> in the news stories,” Ms. Cohlmia continued. “But it is our longstanding 
> policy not to comment on deals or rumors of deals we may or may not be 
> exploring.” 
> One person who has previously advised Koch Industries said the Tribune 
> Company papers were considered an investment opportunity, and were viewed 
> as entirely separate from Charles and David Kochs’ lifelong mission to 
> shrink the size of government. 
> At least in politically liberal Los Angeles, a conservative paper could be 
> tricky. David H. 
> Koch<>,
> who lives in New York and serves as executive vice president of Koch 
> Industries, has said he supports gay marriage and could align with many 
> residents on some social issues, Reed Galen, a Republican consultant in 
> Orange County, Calif., said. 
> Koch Industries’ main competitor for The Los Angeles Times is a group of 
> mostly Democratic local residents. In the 2012 political cycle, Mr. Broad 
> gave $477,800, either directly or through his foundation, to Democratic 
> candidates and causes, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Mr. 
> Burkle has long championed labor unions. President Bill Clinton served as 
> an adviser to Mr. Burkle’s money management firm, Yucaipa Companies, which 
> in 2012 gave $107,500 to Democrats and related causes. The group also 
> includes Austin Beutner, a Democratic candidate for mayor of Los Angeles, 
> and an investment banker who co-founded Evercore Partners. 
> “This will be a bipartisan group,” Mr. Beutner said. “It’s not about 
> ideology, it’s about a civic interest.” (The Los Angeles consortium is 
> expected to also include Andrew Cherng, founder of the Panda Express 
> Chinese restaurant chain and a Republican.) 
> “It’s a frightening scenario when a free press is actually a bought and 
> paid-for press and it can happen on both sides,” said Ellen Miller, 
> executive director of the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan watchdog 
> group. 
> Last month, shortly after L.A. Weekly first reported on Koch Industries’ 
> interest in the Tribune papers, the liberal Web site Daily Kos and Courage 
> Campaign, a Los Angeles-based liberal advocacy group, collected thousands 
> of signatures protesting such a deal. Conservatives, meanwhile, welcomed 
> the idea of a handful of prominent papers spreading the ideas of economic 
> “freedom” from taxes and regulation that the Kochs have championed. 
> Seton Motley, president of Less Government, an organization devoted to 
> shrinking the role of the government, said the 2012 presidential election 
> reinforced the view that conservatives needed a broader media presence. 
> “A running joke among conservatives as we watched the G.O.P. establishment 
> spend $500 million on ineffectual TV ads is ‘Why don’t you just buy NBC?’ ” 
> Mr. Motley said. “It’s good the Kochs are talking about fighting fire with 
> a little fire.” 
> Koch Industries has for years felt the mainstream media unfairly covered 
> the company and its founding family because of its political beliefs. 
>, a Web site run by the company, disputes perceived press 
> inaccuracies. The site, which asserts liberal bias in the news media, has 
> published private e-mail conversations between company press officers and 
> journalists, including the Politico reporter Kenneth P. Vogel and editors 
> at The New Yorker in response to an article about the Kochs by Jane Mayer. 
> “So far, they haven’t seemed to be particularly enthusiastic about the 
> role of the free press,” Ms. Mayer said in an e-mail, “but hopefully, if 
> they become newspaper publishers, they’ll embrace it with a bit more 
> enthusiasm.” 
> A Democratic political operative who spoke on the condition of anonymity, 
> said he admired how over decades the brothers have assembled a complex 
> political infrastructure that supports their agenda. A media company seems 
> like a logical next step. 
> This person said, “If they get some bad press that Darth Vader is buying 
> Tribune, they don’t care.” 
>  Michael J. de la Merced contributed reporting.
>     A version of this article appeared in print on April 21, 2013, on 
> page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Conservative Koch 
> Brothers Turning Focus to Newspapers. 
> On Monday, April 22, 2013 6:41:55 PM UTC-4, nominal9 wrote:
>> shining knight of news reporting...?....the printed press is usually 
>> better at both hard news and opinion....though there are some stinkers 
>> there, too....I like the Christian Science Monitor, usually.... and, you 
>> may not like it but the NYTimes is usually spot on as to the facts in their 
>> hard news, although you may not agree with some of their "conclusions" 
>> slant....I like English Press, too... BBC, Guardian, Daily Mail for soft 
>> news... but there too the "conclusion" slant is "left"... otherwise spot on 
>> factually most of the time....Bloomerg, Reuters, AP mostly good to go... 
>> Wall Street Journal... not so much since "Rupert" took it over....
>> CNN. too far right for me.... and MSNBC... not left enough.... HAR...
>> On Monday, April 22, 2013 11:53:53 AM UTC-4, Lonnie Clay wrote:
>>> So where's the shining knight of news reporting? It's certainly not 
>>> CNN...
>>> Lonnie Courtney Clay
>>> On Monday, April 22, 2013 7:49:14 AM UTC-7, nominal9 wrote:
>>>> See, Lonnie?.... this is the Fox I know and deride....HAR
>>>> News Corp. Agrees to $139 Million Investor-Suit Accord
>>>>  By Jef Feeley - Apr 22, 2013 9:53 AM ET 
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>>>>     Q
>>>>  News Corp. (NWS) <>’s directors 
>>>> agreed to a $139 million settlement of investors’ claims that they turned 
>>>> a 
>>>> blind eye to illegal conduct at the media company, including phone hacking 
>>>> by employees. 
>>>> Insurance covering News Corp.’s 
>>>> board<>, 
>>>> including Chairman Rupert 
>>>> Murdoch<>, 
>>>> will fund the settlement of 
>>>> lawsuits<>seeking to hold directors 
>>>> accountable for the scandal sparked by the 
>>>> exposure and attempted cover-up of illegal reporting tactics used by some 
>>>> News Corp. journalists in the U.K., according to a statement today by the 
>>>> company and shareholders who sued. The money will go into the company’s 
>>>> coffers rather than to individual investors. 
>>>>    [image: Rupert Murdoch: $12 Billion Net Worth at Age 82] 
>>>> 0:39 
>>>> <>
>>>> April 18 (Bloomberg) - Bloomberg's Betty Liu profiles News Corp. 
>>>> chairman Rupert Murdoch and the power he holds in the media industry. 
>>>> As part of the settlement, News Corp. officials agreed to tighten 
>>>> oversight of the company’s operations and set up an anonymous 
>>>> whistle-blower’s hotline for tips about misconduct, according to Delaware 
>>>> Chancery Court filings. Shareholders who sued alleged the board’s lax 
>>>> oversight allowed wrongdoing to flourish at the company and harmed its 
>>>> stock price. 
>>>> “As a condition of the settlement, these enhancements will be adopted 
>>>> by both companies that emerge from the” split of New York-based News Corp. 
>>>> into two public companies, officials said in the statement. 
>>>> Largest Accord 
>>>> The settlement is the largest ever reached in a so-called derivative 
>>>> lawsuit in Delaware Chancery Court, said Jay 
>>>> Eisenhofer<>, 
>>>> a lawyer for one of the suing shareholders, Amalgamated Bank. Eisenhofer 
>>>> is 
>>>> a partner at Wilmington, Delaware-based Grant & Eisenhofer. 
>>>> “We are proud of this historic settlement, which continues the 
>>>> 20-year-history of Amalgamated Bank encouraging corporate reform and 
>>>> improved corporate governance,” Edward Grebow, the bank’s president, said 
>>>> in a statement. Amalgamated Bank’s LongView Funds hold more than 455,000 
>>>> News Corp. shares, according to the statement. 
>>>> News Corp. agreed last year to separate slower-growing publishing 
>>>> assets from its Fox television and film businesses after coming under 
>>>> pressure from shareholders. Murdoch will remain chief executive officer of 
>>>> the Fox side, News Corp. said. 
>>>> “We are pleased to have resolved this matter,” Nathaniel Brown, a News 
>>>> Corp. spokesman, said in an e-mailed statement. 
>>>> Hacking Arrests 
>>>> Today’s settlement is part of News Corp.’s push to move past the 
>>>> scandal over some journalists’ illegal reporting tactics and allegations 
>>>> that company executives covered up the practices. About 80 people have 
>>>> been 
>>>> arrested in connection with criminal probes, including Rebekah Brooks, the 
>>>> head of News Corp.’s U.K. publisher. 
>>>> News Corp. journalists are accused of hacking mobile-phone messages of 
>>>> more than 600 people, including U.S. actors Brad 
>>>> Pitt<>and Angelina 
>>>> Jolie <>, soccer player Wayne 
>>>> Rooney <> and murdered 
>>>> British schoolgirl Milly 
>>>> Dowler<>. 
>>>> Last week, British prosecutors said the top editor of News Corp.’s Sun 
>>>> tabloid newspaper will be charged with authorizing bribes to public 
>>>> officials. 
>>>> Fergus Shanahan approved payments totaling 7,000 pounds ($10,600) to a 
>>>> public official in exchange for information between 2006 and 2007, 
>>>> according to a statement from the Crown Prosecution 
>>>> Service<>. 
>>>> The bribes were uncovered as part of the hacking-scandal probe, 
>>>> prosecutors 
>>>> said. 
>>>> British lawmakers last year concluded Murdoch wasn’t “a fit person” to 
>>>> lead a major international company after finding News Corp. officials 
>>>> misled Parliament about the extent of phone hacking at the News of the 
>>>> World tabloid newspaper, which was closed in the wake of the scandal. 
>>>> ‘Blind Eye’ 
>>>> Murdoch “turned a blind eye and exhibited willful blindness to what was 
>>>> going on in his companies,” the House of Commons Culture Committee said in 
>>>> its report. News Corp. (NWSA) 
>>>> <>directors countered that they 
>>>> maintained “full confidence” in Murdoch’s 
>>>> ability to lead the media company. 
>>>> Amalgamated Bank, based in New 
>>>> York<>, 
>>>> and a Louisiana pension fund claimed in a lawsuit that some board members 
>>>> knew as early as 2009 that company reporters in 
>>>> England<>routinely hacked into phones 
>>>> and bribed British police for stories. 
>>>> Still, directors refused to seriously probe claims of illegal reporting 
>>>> tactics for fear of angering Murdoch and his children who serve as News 
>>>> Corp. executives, lawyers for the City of New Orleans Employees Retirement 
>>>> System and Amalgamated Bank said in court filings. 
>>>> At a hearing last year before Chancery Court Judge John Noble in Dover, 
>>>> Delaware <>, News Corp.’s lawyers 
>>>> disputed investors’ claims that board members participated in a cover-up 
>>>> because they were beholden to Murdoch and his family. 
>>>> ‘Evidence Shows’ 
>>>> “Rather than ignoring and covering up these matters, the evidence shows 
>>>> the board” moved to address the scandal quickly and openly, Gregory 
>>>> Varallo, a News Corp. attorney, told Noble. The judge had been deciding 
>>>> whether the case could proceed when it was resolved. 
>>>> News Corp. shareholders originally sued over the $675 million purchase 
>>>> of a U.K.-based television production company owned by Murdoch’s daughter, 
>>>> Elisabeth. They later amended their suit to focus on the phone-hacking 
>>>> scandal. 
>>>> “When institutional investors work constructively to improve corporate 
>>>> governance practices, good things happen,” Mark 
>>>> Lebovitch<>, 
>>>> a New York-based lawyer who represented the New Orleans pension fund, said 
>>>> in an e-mailed statement. 
>>>> The case is In re News Corp. Shareholder Derivative Litigation, CA 
>>>> 6285, Delaware Chancery Court (Wilmington). 
>>>> To contact the reporter on this story: Jef Feeley in Wilmington, 
>>>> Delaware at 
>>>> To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at  

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