

You are totally right: I will add some links on the main page and add the Equinox Aspects downloads to the Incubator downloads.

As far as I know Martin has already verified that Equinox Aspects plays nicely with 3.4 and the upcoming AJDT release. I guess we will make an "official" release for 3.4 soon after 3.4 and the new AJDT are there.

Do you have a hint where I could ask whether 1.* might be an issue in incubation?


Am 14.06.2008 um 02:58 schrieb Jeff McAffer:


This is great.  Thanks.  some suggestions
- It would be great to have the quick start and demo somewhere in a permanent location on the main page. These items will not be "new" forever and the what's new section is not where people would look to get started. Perhaps a whole "Getting Started" bar near the top of the page?

- downloads. The aspects downloads are hidden. They are no tin the incubator seciton of the main Equinox download pages ( ) nor are then on the Equinox Incubator downloads page ( )

On a side note, I'm not 100% but there may be an issue with calling the Aspects stuff 1.* when it is incubation.

Other question:  Is there a 3.4 version of these facilities?


Heiko Seeberger wrote:

I just reworked the Equinox Incubator Aspects website. Now there is a detailled quick-start guide and a "Hello world!" demo.

We are looking forward to getting your feedback ...

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