Hi Jeff,

As far as I know Martin has already verified that Equinox Aspects plays nicely with 3.4 and the upcoming AJDT release. I guess we will make an "official" release for 3.4 soon after 3.4 and the new AJDT are there.

Equinox Aspects currently works for 3.3 and 3.4, together with AJDT 1.5.2, 1.5.3 and 1.6.0 (which is the development build for 3.4). But I agree that this should be mentioned on the website somewhere... :-)

So if there is an AJDT version or release for 3.4 available you can work with the existing Equinox Aspects release in 3.4. We don't not need to build a new release of Equinox Aspects to work with 3.4. Nevertheless it might be nice for marketing reasons to publish a new release shortly after 3.4.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Do you have a hint where I could ask whether 1.* might be an issue in incubation?


Am 14.06.2008 um 02:58 schrieb Jeff McAffer:


This is great.  Thanks.  some suggestions
- It would be great to have the quick start and demo somewhere in a permanent location on the main page. These items will not be "new" forever and the what's new section is not where people would look to get started. Perhaps a whole "Getting Started" bar near the top of the page?

- downloads. The aspects downloads are hidden. They are no tin the incubator seciton of the main Equinox download pages (http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/equinox) nor are then on the Equinox Incubator downloads page (http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/incubator/downloads.php)

On a side note, I'm not 100% but there may be an issue with calling the Aspects stuff 1.* when it is incubation.

Other question:  Is there a 3.4 version of these facilities?


Heiko Seeberger wrote:

I just reworked the Equinox Incubator Aspects website. Now there is a detailled quick-start guide and a "Hello world!" demo.

We are looking forward to getting your feedback ...

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