
we had a similar problem in our (OSGi-)application. We finally found a solution 
using the Logback-Framework.
The integration and use with osgi/equinox-based applications is described by 
ekkedard gentz.

This solution is quite flexible and we have been successfully solved our 
logging problems and requirements with this approach.

Florian Pepping

-----Original Message-----
From: equinox-dev-boun...@eclipse.org [mailto:equinox-dev-boun...@eclipse.org] 
On Behalf Of Marwinski, Dirk
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 10:01 AM
To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org
Subject: [equinox-dev] Access to Equinox Logging


we are building an application based on equinox which contains various 
components from various sources using different logging technologies (log4j, 
commons logging, proprietary, ...). We are now trying to get everything into 
one single place (e.g. a single file in a special format which can be 
processed by existing tools in our landscape).

I am a bit puzzled on how I could intercept logs written by equinox in 
order to re-direct them into another logging framework. During my research 
I found postings of people with similar problems (unfortunately there was no 
solution). I hope I am not overlooking something trivial here:

I have seen that Equinox uses the FrameworkLog interface for logging (using 
the EclipseLog implementation). I can set a new Writer
(FrameworkLok.setWriter()) there and "steal" the log messages, however they 
come in multiple pieces which is not ideal.

As an alternative I could write a new implementation of the FrameworkLog 
interface and register it in the service registry, however this is
discouraged (@noimplement annotation), so I didn't try that.

The next possibility would be to extend the EclipseLogHook in order to
provide a new implementation for the FrameworkLog interface, however there
still is the @noimplement annotation... There is btw duplicate code in the
EclipseStarter and EclipseLogHook classes (method createFrameworkLog()).

Do you have any suggestion on how to get access to the log entries? Getting
the messages from the Writer is a possibility but not ideal, better would
be getting access to the FrameworkLogEntry objects which does not seem to 
be possible at the moment. Implementing an AdapterHook would be a possibility 
but I am hesitant to go that way if I don't really have to. 

If there is anything that I can contribute let me know.


Dirk Marwinski 
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