You can also try pax-logging, which implements all your required APIs and
logs to one place using a log4j configuration:

It is native OSGi already and requires no other jars to support Log4j, JCL,
OSGi LogService, JDK Logging, Avalon, SLF4J, or Tomcat Juli.

Best Regards,

Don Laidlaw | Sr. Research Engineer | Infor | office: +1 902-576-5185 |
mobile: +1 902-401-6771 |

> From: "Pepping, Florian" <>
> Reply-To: Equinox development mailing list <>
> Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:28:51 +0200
> To: Equinox development mailing list <>
> Subject: RE: [equinox-dev] Access to Equinox Logging
> Hi,
> we had a similar problem in our (OSGi-)application. We finally found a
> solution using the Logback-Framework.
> The integration and use with osgi/equinox-based applications is described by
> ekkedard gentz.
> gging_in_OSGI_Enterprise_Anwendungen,_Teil_1.html
> This solution is quite flexible and we have been successfully solved our
> logging problems and requirements with this approach.
> Florian Pepping
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Marwinski, Dirk
> Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 10:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: [equinox-dev] Access to Equinox Logging
> Hi,
> we are building an application based on equinox which contains various
> components from various sources using different logging technologies (log4j,
> commons logging, proprietary, ...). We are now trying to get everything into
> one single place (e.g. a single file in a special format which can be
> processed by existing tools in our landscape).
> I am a bit puzzled on how I could intercept logs written by equinox in
> order to re-direct them into another logging framework. During my research
> I found postings of people with similar problems (unfortunately there was no
> solution). I hope I am not overlooking something trivial here:
> I have seen that Equinox uses the FrameworkLog interface for logging (using
> the EclipseLog implementation). I can set a new Writer
> (FrameworkLok.setWriter()) there and "steal" the log messages, however they
> come in multiple pieces which is not ideal.
> As an alternative I could write a new implementation of the FrameworkLog
> interface and register it in the service registry, however this is
> discouraged (@noimplement annotation), so I didn't try that.
> The next possibility would be to extend the EclipseLogHook in order to
> provide a new implementation for the FrameworkLog interface, however there
> still is the @noimplement annotation... There is btw duplicate code in the
> EclipseStarter and EclipseLogHook classes (method createFrameworkLog()).
> Do you have any suggestion on how to get access to the log entries? Getting
> the messages from the Writer is a possibility but not ideal, better would
> be getting access to the FrameworkLogEntry objects which does not seem to
> be possible at the moment. Implementing an AdapterHook would be a possibility
> but I am hesitant to go that way if I don't really have to.
> If there is anything that I can contribute let me know.
> Thanks,
> Dirk
> Dirk Marwinski 
> Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
> 69190 Walldorf, Germany
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